Sunday, September 29, 2013

Open The Gates

   Insecurities, inequities, instability, intolerance, and what if’s.  All emotions that each of us shares.  We often bottle them up inside until they come bursting to the surface.  Recognizing them as just emotions is critical to moving past them.  I too struggle with this process.  I have just as many of these qualities as the next person.  I say “qualities” because without these things we’d all be the most stoic and dry people and who wants that?  These frustrating quarks in each of us make us who we are.  No matter how deep they run, they are who we are and what makes us what we are.  Without them we’d be colorless souls just traipsing around this planet.  I find color in the diversity I find in others.  I don’t want you to be like me, be like the person next to you, I want YOU.  I want 100% authentic (insert your name here).  Be it a friendship or a romantic partner, bring what you’ve got and stand by who you are.  We are all broken.  We all come with a past that has shaped us.  No matter how embarrassing your past may be, no matter how broken you think you are, there is someone out there who loves you for EXACTLY who you are.  Without the pieces of the puzzle that made your past, they’d not have found you so intriguing and fascinating to begin with.  Sure we can have such horrible pasts that we feel it’s ingrained into our very souls, but you can make the choice to work through these things and accept that they are a part of what made you who you are today, or you can let them continue to control your emotions.  Often times these qualities can lead to trouble in our relationships unless we take the time to process them and just accept that they are there.  We have to open the gates of our hearts and let them flow.


  As far as insecurity goes, to me it’s the mother of all hurdles.  It’s one that every single person on the face of this earth has in one form or another.  For me, one of them is the fact that I love music.  I love all kinds of music but when a piece speaks to your soul, it just touches you in a way that nothing else can.  I love to sit and strum my guitar.  It’s therapeutic on so many levels.  It’s something I am passionate about, and yet so few know the depth of that passion, or that I even play.  On so many evenings I sit and just play, learn, and strum.  Most people wouldn’t know it because I’m incredibly insecure about it.  I can stand in a room full of people and talk for hours, I can blog to a worldwide audience, and yet nothing makes me more nervous than standing in front of anyone and playing the guitar.  I have self doubts; I lack the confidence to get over the initial stage fright.  I have found that lately I am letting that go more and more.  Through this process of losing one you love, you find the things you love about yourself.  It’s normal to re-focus on yourself and your likes, priorities, and dreams.  It’s healthy!  For me a part of that process is really diving back into my guitar.  Head first and all out.  I’ve found I’m less afraid to accept that “hey maybe you can actually play a bit”.  I cringe less when people walk into a room where I’m playing.  It’s my space and I can sit comfortably, quietly, and happily there, and if someone wanders in to that insecure space, it is just a fleeting moment and it too shall pass.  So, more now than ever, I find myself just plucking away.  It’s an insecurity that may never go away, but I’m learning to silence it in my own way.  To face it head on.


  For others their insecurities have far more breadth and depth.  My guitar analogy is minor in comparison to far greater “issues” that lie within me.  These tiny little triggers within themselves can lead to destructive behavior.  This insecurity can destroy all that is beautiful around them and lead them to a space of perpetual fight and flight.  I once knew someone with this problem.  Later, in the end, I’d learn that at the root of these issues lay horrid injustice, after horrid injustice, followed by outright abuse, at the hands of one of two people on the planet who were meant to protect her.  It’s the ultimate sin to impose such sick justice onto a child, and to leave it there for them to deal with throughout their life.  I will never forget the night the years of insecurities came flooding through the gates of her heart.  I’ve never experienced such a tsunami of tears and emotion.  I was elated and honored, to be the one she shared it with, and yet I was saddened and angered that it was perpetuated throughout her life due to the actions of one individual.  To find the root of these lifelong insecurities, anger, and pain, will hopefully be the catalyst for change and growth, but the wounds run deep.  Just by talking about it, letting it out, and facing that fear and insecurity in the face, this woman stood up for her heart, for her life, and for her future.  She looked the demon straight in the face and said “no more”.  What happens tomorrow is unclear, but I hope that the moment she opened those floodgates, she realized that like a lotus flower, she was living with that toxic water (emotions) inside of her, and she could grow in that space now and forever.  She was paralyzed by the demons that were not her own.  She felt unloved, deserted, and beat down in all she did because the water within was stagnant and needed to move.  Like a lotus, she can grow from this and face this anytime she feels those twangs of insecurity, desertion, and pain.  She is good enough!  She is better than good enough because she survived these atrocities over time. 


  It’s inspiring to be a part of a moment in someone’s life when you feel (and hope) like you witnessed one’s silent insecurities emerge and purge out of that space they were held so deeply.  Each of us has these tiny little triggers.  These tiny little emotions coursing through our minds.  Some are far bigger than others.  I have far deeper scars than my fear of playing the guitar in front of others, and there are those with still greater underlying issues living beneath the surface, but it’s how we process these that matters most.  It’s having the fortitude to push through this process.  To get out in front of the fears and direct them instead of letting them direct us, which is the essence of change that I feel is necessary to silence the insecurities and other recurring emotions that flow within us.  While we accept that these things make us who we are, we do not have to accept that we deserved whatever it is, or was, that planted these seeds.  Only when we find the capacity to love ALL that we are, and all that we are not, can we love another properly and fairly.  Whatever silent little demon that you may have, and whatever it is that put it there, you can drive or you can sit and let it drive you.  The choice is yours.  See it, feel it, accept it, put it where it needs to be, and be all that you can be.  No castle is built from one stone.  It takes many, of varying sizes, shapes, and colors, to make that structure complete.  Love yourself and know that you are normal, you are complete.  You are just another member of this tribe and you are good enough the way you are.  You are good enough and unique enough to be loved just the way you are, and you are good enough to return that love.  In the end we take all of these things with us.  We are shaped by our past and we cannot shake that.  We cannot go back and do it over and we are all just as insecure as you.  Even the ones who appear to have it all together…they too have their demons that they battle within.  Let the acceptance take hold and let your love flow freely.  Open the gates and begin the healing.