Thursday, September 26, 2013

Build A Bridge

  Out there in the expanse we call life, there lies a river.  Full of emptiness.  Full of questions, doubts, hurt, and a myriad of other emotions, and life’s challenges.  We all stand and glare across this metaphorical river at times.  Full of logs, stones, obstacles, currents, coldness and fluidity.  The dynamics of a river are the perfect metaphor for life and the struggles we all face.   Standing on the banks of these struggles, I feel like any of us would feel a bit if anxiety and fear.  Jumping into a raging river can be a crazy experience.  When I did just that for my river guide certification, I was overwhelmed with the feeling of fear.  I was the first to raise my hand and the first to regret that decision.  At high water I stood there, knowing I needed to jump in, let go, and cross this beast.  I could barely hear my proctors and I could barely feel my body.  I jumped and I swam, and I flailed.  I will never forget that fear and the feeling of helplessness!  I learned quickly that I could sit there on the banks of that river and fail, or I could jump in and deal.  I also learned that being frozen in fear was about the last thing I wanted to do.  I had to fight, struggle, and push through the center to get to the other side.  It was all I had and I remember the proctors and fellow students screaming as I crawled up the bank on the other side.  It’s something I’ll never forget.  I have never felt so helpless, and yet the captain of my destiny all at once. 

  I reflect on that day with a smile on my face.  It reminds me of a place where my good friend Sara is standing on this very day.  Before her there are so many obstacles.  Many more nay sayers, critics and cynics.  We recently spent an evening together, sitting along the same river I swam, on a bench along the banks of this furious beast.  Personally I was at such peace with where I have come, and she was at a crossroads.  She could take the road less traveled, the hard way, or just walk away from a man standing on the opposite bank patiently waiting her decision.  She and Ben had separated and had both come to peace with life apart.  Sara recently had an epiphany of sorts, mentioned in a previous post, and our paths crossed during what seemed like a miraculous time for both of us.  She knew of my past, and wanted someone from the outside to just hear the thoughts swirling through her head.  She was incredibly honest and raw on that bench.  Her words flowed as smooth as the river.  The clarity within her flowed as peacefully from her lips, as the river flowed past us.  The way across, back to Ben, was anything but.  The complexity, social reactions, and challenges would be mercurial at best.  Yet, sitting beside me that day, as the sun faded, all I could hear was a woman so full of grace and compassion.  That compassion was not soaked with regret, guilt, or misguided beliefs.  It was solid!  Laden with the thoughts of a family.  Sara seemed to have stepped beyond the present, and was looking past this prime time, into tomorrow.  What was important to her yesterday suddenly seemed a smaller part of the puzzle.  I believe Sara realized the reality of the inevitable.  We are all on borrowed time.  Life is not infinite.  Time is contagious, and we are all getting old.  Her thoughts were broadening and her world was glowing.  I sat there in awe at the clarity she exhibited.  She knew it was time to slow down.  Time to try and see what was on the other side.  If for nothing else, peace of mind that the man standing on that opposite bank was someone she had loved with all of her heart and she needed to be sure of what she was doing. 

  We all change.  Seasons change, tides change, and rivers change.  The seeds of love that we have for someone stay forever, in my opinion.  She had silenced so much in her world and she suddenly realized that from those seeds there were small blossoms emerging.  The chaotic life around her slowed enough for her to look across and see him still standing there, still connected.  How could she navigate these currents of discontent?  How is it that she had the grace to see the discontentment in her life and to look across and see a ray of hope?  Who knows, but whether she walks from those banks into tomorrow, or carries onward towards Ben, and possibly into a sea of reconciliation…it all matters not on this day.  Stopping long enough to be quiet, look deeply, look across, and acknowledge that man is enough for me to stand up today and applaud each of them.  To applaud the heart within this woman, and the fortitude of love.  Could they make it?  If they want!  Could they find love within each other again?  ABSOLUTELY.  As the swirling mess between them rages, they can choose.  They may not be able to swim it as I did, and who’d want to?  But they can build a bridge!  They can do the work to meet in the middle.  Building that bridge a day at a time, one step at a time.  When they get there, to the middle, they can stand and talk, get to know one another again, and stare down at the mess of the it flows harmlessly below them.  They can choose to go back the way each of them came, but at least they will have met in the middle and looked down into that abyss.  They can take a moment there to find clarity and peace.  If they are lucky, maybe what they feel is not resentment, regret, anger..but a hand reaching for their own.  To me, that very act, of meeting there has such power and grace!  We could all learn from people like this.  We can all see the distance between one a bridge..and get over it!