Friday, October 4, 2013

Out Of the Darkness

  There is a time for time for war..a time for all things.  More valuable than any other gift we can give ourselves is the gift of letting go.  Truly letting go and stepping into light.  Move forward from a dark time in our lives with all the gusto and gumption we can possibly muster.  To free ourselves from the cyclical patterns that kept us bound to something that kept us from our potential is simply one of the most liberating feelings we can posses.  Whether that dark part of your life is addiction, money problems, perpetual sadness, or a relationship, letting it go and throwing yourself into tomorrow is elation second to none.  Turning your back on something that you thought had become a part of your life, and facing the rest of your life is not only amazing but an act that opens so many more doors.  Letting go of anything can be difficult.  You can let go of hope, love, kindness, friendships, problems, possessions, and once you launch from the bay of darkness you can set yourself adrift into a world of new love, new life, and new possibilities.

  What keeps you in that cycle that you know is tearing you down?  Why do you limit your possibilities and potential?  Within each of us there is greatness.  Not measured by anyone else’s standards.  We are the keepers of what measures up in our lives.  To dwindle away at the hands of something that is clearly holding us back, regardless of what it is, is sacrificing all that we could be, all that we want to be, and all that we know we can be is nothing less than sheer lunacy.  If something is hurting you, move away from it.  Most of us know when we are burned with fire, to not stick our hands back in the fire.  Let the worries of the future go.  Cast off your sails, throw caution to the wind, and rock this bit*%.  You get one shot on this dust ball and you cannot waste one moment when you know you are being held back, stressed, beaten down, or just find yourself in a downward spiral.  Give in to life!

  Sometimes when darkness grabs us, all we need is a friend to walk next to us.  Someone to tell it all to and someone to gently nudge you along.  I know on my journey there are so many friends that have stood there.  Cheering, nudging, cajoling when necessary, and screaming at the top of their lungs to “go”!  No need for names here (you know who you are) but they are out there.  I hope I can make them proud.  I see the smiles on their faces as I pass by now with my head held high, walking tall.  Finding my life again and letting the love pour from inside.  Smiling into the sun.  From the gal who sat along the river with me, to the one who pulls no punches and tells me “you got this”, to those who have sat and listened over a beer.  To the gal who sat ringside, bathed in seat as I let it all out.  What a gift to have such friends.  I feel as though I can take on the world with an army like this. 

  Life is given as a gift.  Truly learning to live without fear is something more.  Learning to walk forward into the face of the unknown is not only a great quality to possess, but paramount to living a full and illustrious life.  To give back to this world, to the friends, to those who have given so selflessly is something I will keep close to my heart from here on out.  For when I felt as though I could not take another step, they carried me.  When I cried, they held me.  When I fell down they lay next to me and encouraged me to get back up.  When I let my own self worth go, they stood steadfast and resolute until I found my footing again.  When I could not breathe they blew life into my soul.  I walk proudly now.  Even as I still feel it around me, I won’t stand in the darkness.  I will not toil in the turmoil.  I will do my best to perfect my life, to perfect my love, and to give it carefully and not bottle it back up due to fear.  I will honor myself and those I love.  I will walk tall and know I gave completely.  As each day passes I will embrace all the emotions that flow through me, I will walk slowly but resolutely out of the darkness.  I will surely find myself in tough times down this road, in the future, but what I learn today, what I do today; will be stored in my heart for the next time I find myself down on one knee.  I will not fail, I may fall, but I will always push through.