Sunday, October 6, 2013

Chipping Away

  Emerging from some unforeseen circumstance in our life can be like a rebirth.  An opportunity to learn from our past and grow into something even brighter.  Passing through pain can, if you choose, be an opportunity to perpetuate more love unto the world and those around you.  Kindness towards yourself is the key and quietly understanding where you have been can only help you to see more clearly where you are going.  You can filter all the maligned absurdities and simply embrace what was good.  Embrace who, and what you are.  Be a seeker of truth and a defender of honor.  Your path is yours and each step is yours to experience whether it’s a shared journey or one you will continue on your own.  Embrace the journey and think not of the final destination. 

  When we enter a relationship (romantic or otherwise) we come to that place with our past experiences and ideologies.  To come through on the other end, fully intact, and maybe even a bit better for the experience, is something wonderful.  When we have these images of what he or she should be, we have already begun to break down what this other person truly is.  We are raised in a society full of expectations and judgment.  If you know your heart, and if you love who you are, then you should enter into any relationship fully accepting, valuing, and loving the diversity within that other soul.  Chip not at the armor around their heart.  Accept that person completely and fully.  Know that what you are entering is a magical space where you can share beautiful moments and memories that will walk with you into whatever is out there beyond your last breath.  Embrace the differences and shortcomings and know that you too possess so many.  Smile more and find those moments with him/her that make your life all the richer.  Honor the armor around her heart and know that when the timing is appropriate, and if you are lucky enough, there will form a crack in that armor and behind those walls, that armor, that protection, you will find a beautiful heart so full of love and kindness.  If those walls never crumble then at least you have the joy of sharing time with this other soul who clearly attracted you.

  As we pass through a time with another, embrace the time spent and wrap any pain in love for yourself, the experience, and the path ahead.  Focus not on the wrong doing and the pain but on the shared love and the light.  Move towards what is good in front of you and don’t look back on the things that broke you down.  Be who you are and be unapologetic for that.  Keep your own heart close and keep that armor up as long as you must.  Do your best to love and honor the one who you find yourself walking with for they too are just as imperfect as you.  Sit resolute in the silence you find between one another.  Much like the French composer Claude Debussy said; “Music is the space between the notes.” Such is love.  When the silent moments come, when the frustrations grow, when it becomes work to love, you can find the beauty in those moments and persevere and should you not,  then at least you take away something beautiful from that space.  Love can only grow if we put out more love.  Sometimes we give more than we get, and other times we receive more.  Either way, love and kindness are our most effective tools to becoming a better version of ourselves.  When you find yourself in a space where you find love knocking at the wall around your heart, it is up to you to let it fall or to stand firm.  It’s a scary place and a delicate dance, but it is a choice and one not to be taken lightly.  Make the choice carefully and should you find yourself on the other end of this relationship, don’t be bitter but bury the pain in more love.