Sunday, October 20, 2013

On the Edge

  It is only through falling that we learn to rise again.  Only through our failures are we shown the path to our successes.  When standing on an edge we can feel the earth below us, and yet we can feel the weightlessness before us.  Each time we fall down in life is merely an opportunity to get back up and keep on going.  We must stand through the trials and tribulations in this life in order to appreciate the brevity in that very life.  To know what it is like to stand on the edge, peering into the unknown is a gift like no other.  When someone, or something, pushes you to your edge you have a choice to stand firm in that space.  You can turn your back on what’s beyond that space, face what is pushing you there, and stand resolute in what you know and believe.  At the same time you can turn your back on the abuse, on what’s pushing you, on life’s myriad circumstances that put you there, and you can embrace what’s out there.  You can stand on that edge and not look back.  You have the ability to face that fear of the unknown.  The weightless wonder of new beginnings.  To fall is not final.  To fail is not what defines us.  Getting back up is not optional, but taking the leap into tomorrow with all the gusto you can muster, now that is something wonderful in itself.


  Sometimes we find ourselves beat down by the cycles of life.  We too often let our emotions drive us without recognizing that these emotions are simply that!  Thoughts, feelings, and an endless cycle of our brains inability to shut the hell up.  We find comfort and solace in turning back from the unknown; back into the comfort of what we think we know.  We can easily look past the constant diatribe being thrown our way and let our mind tell us that it’s “okay” or “normal”.  That it is just temporary and will change when circumstances change.  Maybe the answer isn’t in accepting what is pushing us, but to accept that it is NOT okay and that we need to redefine our boundaries.  We need to establish these boundaries and place the edge where we see fit, and not where others want to push us.  When you accept the cyclical patterns of abuse, neglect, disrespect, or dishonor, you are only letting someone, or something, else dictate your fate. 


  Having the courage to turn your back on something that you felt was important, that you know you love, is tantamount to sliding right up to that edge and dangling your very soul over, into the unknown.  Stopping the cycle can feel like jumping into gravity’s embrace, and yet there is nothing more freeing than doing just that.  We are only here a very short time and each day is precious.  Each friend, each experience is ours to define and ours to make all the richer.  Time is not infinite and none of us are getting out alive.  The tomorrows will not stop coming, but you can make that tomorrow a daring adventure, or stand in the patterns of yesterday. While life is all about patience, and I am a devout believer in second chances, sometimes you must make the choice to break the cycle, to unbind yourself from the chains.  Give all that you can but always keep some in reserve for the one who means the most…YOU.  When you find yourself pushed to the edge, and you have exhausted your very soul, walk a little closer.  Dangle those toes over, spread your wings, don’t look back…and fly!  Fly into the unknown.  Soar into tomorrow and leave the turbulent cycles behind.  Have faith in yourself and be the captain of your own soul.