Friday, August 1, 2008


Here is the "after action" shot. Sitting in the ER and feeling like crap. The shot below is LITERALLY seconds before I fell. My 6 year old daughter was playing with our little point and shoot camera and took this. You can't really see much of the climb. In fact, not much but the top. This was taken from a little ways back. The ground is about twice my height below me. OUCH !!

Today sucks. The swelling is out of control. We called the Doc about 1am and they ran us through a few quick checks. Things I learned in EMT class. Basics. Check for a pulse in the extremity, CSM, etc, etc. All I could tell them is that I have never seen any of my appendages swell this bad. Well, I wish I could say that wasn't true (wink wink) but the swelling in my foot is truly out of control. All they could tell me was that I am doing everything right. Right?! It looks like my foot is a big blob of a club that is slowly sucking my toes into its core. Useless?! I can't even move my ankle a centimeter. I bet I can climb some mean cracks right about now. No feeling in the foot. Just jam it..hammer it in..and stand on it. No pain.

Speaking of pain, I was just telling my friend Sharon that the knucklehead that coined the phrase " pain is weakness leaving the body" must have neglected to run his spelling/grammer check. What he meant to say is that "pain is pain leaving the body to make way for greater pain".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What you need is a new Human Touch Zero Gravity Massage Chair to ease your pain. You can buy one for only $3995 at the Geldpress store - relaxation section.