Sunday, July 6, 2008

Shocking !!!

So what do you do after climbing all day? Drink a cold beer first ! Then have another, and another, then one more. Then have one of your climbing buddies see how much juice he can handle. You see, my wife's cousin Courtney was with us and she brought a nifty little device that she obtained through hip surgery. Seems the device was designed to deliver electrical stimulation to the surgery area. This is supposed to help with circulation, censastion...blah..blah...blah. I don't think the designers of the device had our intentions in mind when the developed the device. I just don't think that they had the creative gumption that we do. So enjoy the video....I know we enjoyed making it, although I can't say that Ian did.

1 comment:

Boots said...

I highly suggest trying this at home. It makes for great entertainment!!!