Monday, April 21, 2014

Unclaimed Baggage

  The space between life and our end is mercurial, unknown, and ultimately that time, and what we fill it with, is left to each of us.  Until we are faced with, truly faced with, our demise it seems we don’t really take the time to stop and look at the space in between with a sense of urgency and drive.  Why is it that when someone passes we have a “celebration of life”?  Why do we look “back” and feel sadness at the “should have’s, could have’s, and didn’t”?  Shouldn’t we be having gatherings with friends, family, and loved one’s more often?  Shouldn’t we be having a celebration of life each day as our feet hit the floor in the morning?  When’s the last time you woke up elated just to have a day before you?  How about taking that trip you’ve talked about incessantly for so long?  Why as a society do we tend to put our lives on cruise control and just sit back and wait?  Shouldn’t we be looking forward instead?  Realizing that the clock is ticking and we don’t have a whole lot of time to chase our dreams? 

  We all carry our baggage in different ways.  Some of us carry more than others.  Sharing the weight with another soul certainly makes the effort less burdensome, but unloading the baggage, leaving it behind, and simply carrying less, makes a whole hell of a lot more sense to me.  We can’t ditch all of our past and the pain, but we can certainly try and lighten the load.  In doing so, we can then focus more on living the life we envision.  Instead of “dreaming” of doing…we have a lighter load and more freedom (internally) to devote our hearts and minds to DOING.  Doing now, and not putting our dreams on the back burner.  Why, in a world where we’ve sent men to the moon, do we find it so hard to believe that we can achieve our wildest dreams?  Want to run a marathon?  Run it!!!!  Have you dreamed of climbing in the Himalaya?  Go climb!  Paddling distant rivers?  Follow the flow!  To see the brevity and simplicity in life I believe you can serve that task best by letting some of that baggage go, and finding your way to  a foreign country, maybe even a third world country.  The worries of our first world lives don’t seem to find their way into the lives of those who (to us) seem to live a much “poorer” life.  One of the greatest gifts of my years travelling and working in India has been the gift of simplicity.  Spending a month there each year amongst the people of Leh, at the foot of the Himalayas, has been the single most grounding experience each time I set foot in that magical land.  The lack of all the excessiveness we have here, the appreciation of such simple things as running water, a flushing toilet,’s hard to come home in anyway but CHANGED.  It’s given me the experience, space, and time to reflect and look at my life and how privileged we are to live in such a great country, and yet how underprivileged we are because we expect so much and we see so narrowly.  We carry far too much baggage!  To wander the Himalayan countryside 366 days ago (to the day) on a rented British motorcycle was absolutely one of the greatest birthday gifts I could ever receive.  I knew on that day that I’d never be the same.  I simply had the time to reflect and be so far from civilization that I was able to release much of the baggage I had held onto.  That one magical day, mystical journey, and beautiful experience allowed me to simply let go of so much.  My life would change tremendously in the coming months and again just recently.


  Self discovery is the key that opens so many doors.  Being quiet with your thoughts and truly embracing the gifts we are given each day.  To step outside of your comfort zone and step across our borders is, to me, something we should all do way more often.  To step out of your comfort zone and force yourself to face your life, unanswered questions, and to reach for new heights is an absolute necessity in order to live a full life.  To reach the end someday with a heart and soul full of new experiences, new places, tantalizing tastes, and soul sticking sounds….this is far more appealing to me than to enter my end with the type of assets that most of society tends to acquire.  Money and things can all be taken from us, and yet the investments in our memory banks can never be relinquished or repossessed.  They are the flowers in our souls blowing in the wind, spreading the seeds to so much more.  Travel the world, sail the seas, climb to new heights, but whatever you do….simply DO IT.  Gather your things, simplify your life, and never ever surrender the dreams swirling in your head.  Do it alone from time to time and find a partner to travel the world with you, for a shared experience is a multiplied dream (exponentially), but have the courage to realize we are all on borrowed time and get out and just do this thing called life.  No more excuses, minimize the delays, because somewhere out there someone is having their last day and it’s fairly certain that they’d trade you one more day to chase their one more dream.  Let go of your preconceived notions, release the baggage…leave it on the tarmac…unclaimed!