Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gravity of the Heart

Much like falling from a chellenging climb, falling for another can often sneak up on you. The pull of gravity signifying the archaic tug that sends you tumbling. When roping up for a difficult climb, it is never my intent to fall. The prospect is always there, and you know that gravity is always lapping at your heels, and yet you defy science and common sense by moving up while clinging to slight imperfections on a stone face. Much like a painters brush stroking a blank canvas, your body dances delicately across that canvas made of stone. Constantly aware of the tangible possibility of a fall, yet you carry on, never without fear but constantly putting it aside, moving upward, focused and in tune with the energy around you. The gravity within our hearts posseses the same power, yet it isn’t often we have the chance to see it in such a raw state. My life on the mend, my mind clear and concise, my gaze focused and fixed, I have trodded along and become someone who I thouroughly enjoy. Along the way I have worked hard to build the walls around my heart. I have made sure to protect myself from the gravity of another heart pulling at mine. I have acknowledged the fear of letting another in, yet I have carried on and done (in my humble opinion) considerably well rebuilding my life, redefining relationships, and keeping it all in check. I’ve built considerable, logical, and tangible walls around my life, but especially around my heart. However absurd it may seem to some, it is/was a necessity for me. A requirement for survival, if you will. While these walls were insurmountable, they were walls which I could peak over, climb over, or look around whenever I saw fit. I could always retreat behind those walls if I felt like someone was getting too close. That, in and of itself, became a byproduct of what was happening around me. I needed a place to go and feel safe, and learn about myself, before I could open up to anyone. As time passed I found that safe haven became all too frequently where I found myself. I just couldn’t connect on a level that made me feel real again, or safe from the pain that could very well lie beyond those walls.

Being one who is fascinated with pugilism on a level beyond mere fists, I have seen the metaphor within this journey as it relates to fighting. Not just the similarity I find with climbing, gravity, and ascention. I see myself (post divorce) backed into a corner and fighting anything that got in the way of where I wanted to go, or anything, or anyone that incroached upon my safe place. I wouldn’t say that I put myself into seclusion or became a recluse. To the contrary I believe my journey has been one of personal satisifaction, grace, and self inquiry, while putting myself out there at the same time. I still bagan to worry as to whether I could open up to anyone again. The instinct to fight off anything unfamiliar, uncomfortable, or threatening is just something that I was born with. My life holds record to the fact that the “easy way” isn’t the path that I typically choose. Much like when I am training or fighting, I become enveloped in the moment. Transfixed on what it is I am facing, then and there, and constantly looking for the calmness within me that allows me to slip the punches of life, weave around my oponent, and strike when the timing is perfect. Timing and range awareness are two fundamentals of fighting that are continually being mastered. You become hyper aware as you settle into your rhythm. Your breathing becomes a metranome to the music around you. The sound of bodies clashing, fists smashing, and the breath of exhaustion that you hear as it emites from your lungs. You are the master of your own destiny. You either fight or you succumb to the litany of damage being sent your way.

So as women have come into my life, I have struggled with the gravitational pull of some fantastic individuals. I have pushed some away. Climbing back into my safety corridor, where I knew self relience was the way. I have backed myself into a corner and just as suddenly found that I just fight my way out. I see the connection coming, and in many cases a connection that had the potential to be something great, but the fear overwhelms me and all I can do is listen to that primordial instinct to get away. I climb myself high above the danger, yet always increasing the danger by going further. I fight and listen, tune into those familiar sounds and instincts. The deep seeded cellular instinct to fight off the danger, or flee (ascend) away from it. It’s become a rhythmic, instinctual, repetitive process. Meet someone, get to know them, like the process, but when they get too close push away and climb away. Repeat!!! It seems the pull, the longing for someone to tell it all to, is a far greater opponant than I had ever imagined. I think I’d have told you (even recently) that I have come to like being on my own. Being single and the master of my soul is a satisfaction that I appreciate.

Relatioinships are a strange new ground for a guy who spent half of his life with a woman that he truly thought he’d get old with someday. Strangely vast and multi layered. Ecclectic and diverse. Fantastic and fun filled, if you let them be, yet indescribably terrifying to a guy who NEVER knew love before his marriage, and ended said marriage overflowing with love. Relationships are like climbing in the sense that it’s an ever progression of movement. You have to get past the imperfections, move by move, to reach the top. You have to put forth the effort and hard work. Gravity will hold you down, but if you master the dance with gravity, you can ascend what had seemed impossible. You can also let go and come plummeting back to where you started. They are like climbing a big mountain. You can’t do it all in one push. You have to move forward in steps. Often going up to reconoiter what is ahead, then returning to a safer camp down lower. You have to make your climb in sections and eventually, if you are lucky and all goes well, you’ll reach the ultimate goal. Relationships are also much like fighting, and TOO OFTEN for some, they “are” fighting. Like facing an oponent who is trying to inflict harm, and impose his will, you have to pay attention and find a place within where you can do what you must to survive. When you get past the pain, shock, and terror of taking such unatural damage to your being, you can actually relax in that environment and find a way to move within that situation. To gain a place where you are in tune with the movements of your oponent. Not that relationships are about fighting, impossing your will, or inflicting damage, but even the most beautiful of relationships will see such moments. You learn to endure and survive what you think you cannot take. Once through these moments, and once you become more in tune, more self disciplined, you realize the unforseen beauty in the process. I think part of the process in relationships, fighting, and climbing, is fundamentally realizing that you can be, and often are, your own worst enemy. You have to learn to stop fighting what is natural. You must learn to survive if you want to get to that magical place you seek. You must learn to listen deeply to your instincts in order to accept the fact that you are going to get hit..and you will survive.

I have spent the last 16 months fighting, both figuratively and literally. At the same time I have faced battles with gravity. Climbing harder than I have in recent memory. I’ve let go of the fear of falling, at least in climbing. I’ve learned to listen to what is inside as I face an oponent in the gym. I’ve learned to accept my fate (it’s gonna hurt and I’m gonna take damage) while fighting. I’ve been unafraid to tie into a partner and do that delicate dance over stone. All the while I’ve been horrifically petrified of letting those same things (metaphorically) into my life when it comes to women. I’ve met some amazing ladies, and have had the privelage to really sit and get to know many, yet I find myself back within my walls time and again. I guess like the lesson in fighting – range is everything. Stay just far enough out of the “pocket” and you won’t get hit. Step within range only when YOU are ready. I’ve bided my time outside of range when it comes to relationships, however like climbing and/or fighting, everything can change in a moment. The gravity of your heart can bring you crashing into the life of someone who has stepped into your range.

In a moment I found my life changed forever. Now everyone calm down! Just listen and read as often as you need to in order to get this. I’m not running off and getting married. I’ve found myself standing, once again, in territory that has scared me EVERY SINGLE time I have found myself there. Not just scared in the post marriage world, but pre marriage as well. I never was one to let people in close; it just happened that my ex was able to find a way around my walls. In a moment, unforseen, unexpected, and unlikely, someone has come along and slowly, methodically begun to tear those walls. Before I knew it I was standing before her exposed, raw, and real, yet scared. Not once has she allowed me to begin the rebuilding process of those walls. Watching as the shaking ensues, the backing away and putting up my fists (figuratively of course). She has stood there and just watched; waiting for me to calm down enough to see that she isn’t running away. She’s calmly touched my soul and shown me that it “IS” okay to allow someone so close. It’s okay to be in that pocket and be that close to someone. I’ve stood before her, scared and on the run, yet she has been unwavering in her composure and understanding. Suddenly I look around and gravity isn’t such a scary thing. The safety I feel in her presence is astounding. Like the belay of life, I feel safe. I still don’t kid myself into thinking things could not change in a moment, but the process, the journey, and the lessons are real and tangible. They are/were the missing pieces to the puzzle in this journey. I find my rhythmic feet, dancing the fighters dance; footwork of the pugilist, slowing their fighting pace, a new stance is felt. I don’t feel myself side stepping, slipping, bobbing and weaving. I am not looking for a way to defeat what is in front of me out of fear, or to back away “out of the pocket”. I see a beauty as magnificant as any I ever imagined. Will she stay? WHO KNOWS?! I will NOT, however, ignore the lessons and the feelings. The warmth in her smile and the patience that is every cell of her being is something that I must absorb and be willing to explore. The gravity in her heart is something that I must allow to pull me closer. I can climb away, and I can damn sure fight, but I find myself standing here and absorbing all that the experience has to offer. Ever determined to be reslilient and show the fortitude that I have thus far, yet I feel I can maintain that independence while exploring the soul of another. I feel the balance! The kindness I feel seems almost surreal and the laughter seemingly intangible to some, and yet I feel free. My crippled wings have found the air and I feel the need to fly. Tomorrow isn’t here yet so I refuse to worry if she’ll stay, for today she is here, she is real, and she is standing right here in front of me. Unwavering and unafraid of the mess before her, only accepting that we are all human and only looking to find someone else to walk along beside her on her journey. Walking side by side as long as the path lasts, or as long as the destination is a shared experience, never devaluing what it is, yet never over stating what it is. I only hope that I can give back what I receive…I only hope that others can find peace within another as I seem to have done. This could last forever, for a week, or until tomorrow. As I try to not worry about the future, I realize that today is yesterday’s tomorrow, so I look with a fleating glance aroudn the corner, over my walls, into a tomorrow that may or may not come, yet I know it is there but not what it shall hold. Laughter radiates in my soul, I see the empty canvas before me waiting for me to paint my world.


Jen L. said...

Oh how I've waited to see you reach this place. Glorious and free you are my friend. Nice writing and very deep. I'm touched to know you and to share this experience with you.

Anonymous said...

And there it is. The culmination of a journey well traveled and a destination that was unknown and you weren't even sure you'd see. Good for you and the fact that you seem to just see it all before you, and remain in a place where you are open to it all and unjudging. I hope this is something that will stay with you for a long time. You deserve this more than most people I know.

Stacy A. said...

I have always wondered, as I've followed your blog, if I could handle myself with such dignity and grace. I find inspiration in your writing and often come back in moments of sadness, and joy to just realize that you can appreciate all that life throws after you. You are a small miracle to those lucky enough to have you in their lives.

Anonymous said...

Your last two postings are heading in the same direction. When do you introduce her to the world at large?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. It couldn't have come to my inbox at a better time. I love your perspective on life in general but it really comes out in this one. You keep it all in perspective, never ignoring where you came from, always looking at today, and gently peaking into tomorrow. You don't over value something that you know could leave, yet you thrive in the experience. You are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You sure have been through so much in this life. You really have. We all do, but you seem to find a way to take the good from so many bad situations. I’m with the previous comment, I want to see her and hear more about her as things go on. Even if she doesn’t stick around Jim you know you are truly fortunate to have the gift and I hope she realized the gift of having you. I see some beautiful writing coming from you with her in your world. Enjoy the time, the experience and one another.

Anonymous said...

I want to be the one you write about, but I'm over joyed that you have found a way out of that little walled in place where you retreat to. You are ten times the person I can hope to be but you push me and make me want to be more.

Stan said...

Uh oh! Love on the horizon. I'm just blown away by your writing and everyone is tired of saying it, but you need to be writing, not doing other stuff.

Anonymous said...

A fighter, a lover, a man of the mountains, an optimist, a realist, a poet, an inpiration – what you are is beautiful and beautiful is what you are. I know you aren’t perfect (you say so yourself all the time when you write) but you are truly gifted and a gift to those around you. I hope she brings you what you need and so deserve. What a wonderful woman to have the opportunity to put light into an already radiant heart.

Anonymous said...

Your readers, friends, fans, and family deserve to know her. Fess up and post some damn pictures.

AEU said...

Hey Jimmy Jack,

I’ve cried through your writing, laughed through the tears, and no matter what I walk away feeling blessed to have all that I have. You make the air in my lungs seem so much richer and I am ever more grateful to just be alive. You really touched me on this one. I’ve been struggling in my own marriage and today I got the email for this and when I got the girls down, I took the time to sit and read this. I cried tears of joy for you my friend. For the place where this last year and a half has brought you. To this woman who inspires such writing. I always knew you’d land on your feet but little did I realize you’d have such a profound affect on my life as you went along. I went back and read a few other posts after this one. I felt so selfish for some of the ways I’ve perceived my marriage. I feel selfish for complaining about some of the things I have. I’ve really found myself sitting here and trying to see all that is good and trying desperately to not take for granted a marriage that I am in love with. Not just him, but our lives and all we’ve shared. I put my head in my hands and cried more because you make me want to look at things in such a different light. I sit here and re-asses my life, my marriage, and my happiness and all I think about is “what would Jim say”. A man who fell straight into hell and got his ass back up and climbed back out to the sunshine. Look at you now. I’m in love with your words and the feelings they invoke. I just want to go to my husbands office and tell him we are both idiots and that we get nowhere by fighting. We truly have a great friendship and life. Why do we let things get to us and how is it that we can’t grasp the gratitude the way you do. Anyway, thank you Jim. Thank you for taking life by the horns and running with the bulls of this life. You are a movie in real life and I love what you stand for and fight for. I know those kids are so blessed to have you and if you choose to add this lucky lady to the mix, they are double blessed!
Much love and hope,

Anonymous said...

Dude give us a hint. Is she on your facebook?

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. I love how your photos always seem to match your writing. Is that you falling on that climb? I agree with so many others, stop wasting your time and start writing for money. I miss you bro.

Jon S. said...

damnit dude, why you gotta be so suave and stylin'? Leave some of the ladies for us. Very nice though. I'll let you have this one and I hope she keeps you off the market forever!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite sayings that you ever posted (and I'm trying to get it right here)

"When life throws you lemons, make lemonaide".

That is so you Jim. Sweeter and more satisfying than any I have ever known. Thank you for sharing your gift and not living in that hole all the time.
J. Baker

Anonymous said...

So I know you've been training and climbing a lot, but you kind of disappeared here recently and I guess I know why now. Not like you so she must be special. We love you man. Good stuff.
G & T

durangoclimber said...

Oh wow. Thank you all so much. I wish I could thank every individual that has touched my life in so many ways. Especially those who have made this walk with me. I’ve tried but the list is just to big, so just a blanket thanks to all who have touched me and inspired me to keep putting one foot in front of the other. We are doing fine and YES she is someone special. I have no crystal ball, and life is not guarantee much less anything in this life, but I thought I knew my feelings, their limits, and the possiblilites of all that life has to offer…so I thought. She definitely enhances those things and I truly hope she’ll stay a while. A hint? Well I don’t want to drag anyone into my semi-public life so we’ll see about all that. She’s amazing and the big surprise is she’s not blonde! That’s what I said! She makes the overwhelimingly blinding light that I have found even more so, yet she brings it into focus so that I can see things that I didn’t see before. I’ve never, ever, met someone whom makes me so at ease and for whom I can just talk to like this. All is as it should be. I’ll add a few pics of her to the blog slide show..maybe she won’t mind that and you’ll have to guess which one she is.
Adrianne – that makes my heart sad but hopeful. Sometimes you just have to breathe and know that you are where you are supposed to be. Nothing in this life comes easy and I can tell you that losing it all is something I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy. Just figure it out and focus on the good. You have to find yourself before you can find what you are looking for. Dig deep and know that if, in the end, it doesn’t work – you can still walk away best friends valuing your kids and all you shared. I wish I had that but I don’t. Our entire lives are choices. Emotions can be equated to choices, so make them and sort them carefully. Just love! Just have dignity and respect and even if you two don’t make it – love each other for all the reasons you did before, and more as friends.
The photo at the top is mine. I took it of my buddy Marcus working one of his projects here in Durango. It’s a 5.13ish climb…if you know climbing, and you know Marcus, that’s some serious stuff. As far as the “market” goes (jackass)..I’m off it and my market crashed long ago. It’s when you stop looking that they sneak up on you. I think I’ll just stay awhile and enjoy it. Thanks for all the kind wishes, words, and inpiration. “YOU” inspire me. Life inspires me. Much love and much life.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you may have met your match, only the right one this time. She sounds amazing to be the one who makes "you" feel those things. Thanks for writing Jim. It really is refreshing to read your writing.

Anonymous said...

But does she climb and can she keep up with all you do? Ha !

Anonymous said...

This is beautifully written Jim. Very elegant and descriptive. What a lucky man you are to have found one who makes you feel that way.

Anonymous said...

To whom it may concern: As the mother of this boy who has become a man and a great father to his children. PLEASE be gently with his HEART because I saw him at his lowest point and I never thought I would see or hear the joy in his voice again. For that I thank-you.Jim's mom

Jan P. said...

I found myself breathing a sigh of relief when I read this (as well as your last) post. I'd say "the old Jim is back" but I'm blown away at who you have become. You did walk through hell and you came out the other side better than ever.

Steve W. said...

Bravo Jim. Rising above as always.

durangoclimber said...

Mom - Don't worry she's a very kind gentle soul. Sometimes we have to learn what life "isn't" and "shouldn't" be before we realize what it "is" and "should" be. If going through all that was what brought me here, I'd gladly do it again. I grow everyday and change everyday. I am nothing that I was before and everything I wasn't. I love you guys and you carried me through so much. Life goes on and on and gets better and better.
I love you guys,

durangoclimber said...

Yes she climbs and loves the “innocence and purity” of nature. Totally an outdoors girl. She laughs with no inhibitions and looks for the beauty in this life. She runs for the pure joy of it, loves to sleep in a tent under a star filled sky. She’s a defender of the innocent, believer in hope, and all out bad ass. Yup…might keep er’ around a while.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,
As a member of your "ex-in-law" family, I just wanted you to know that you are still missed by some and there are those of us that are happy to see you back in the saddle. I'm sorry that things went the way they did but I am happy to see where you are and who you have become. I'm glad those kids have a daddy like you.
All the best.

Chris said...

You have been warned my friend! Pictures or else. I want to see this girl and hear more when you are ready. Give me a call.

Anonymous said...

Right on Jim. Does this mean that drinks are on you this weekend at Pongas? We need to celebrate new life!

durangoclimber said...

Hell no drinks aren't on me. I'll let you buy me one though and I'll even make it. See you there.

Linda said...

Thanks so much for this. It reminds me (once again) to appreciate so much more. You know, I don't think anyone would disagree that you seem to have found something special. It seems (and often happens) that the second time around will be better for you. Whether you get married one day or not, it's obvious that you've learned so much about life, yourself, relationships, and so much more.

Anonymous said...

Seems like two lucky individuals have crossed paths. Make the best of it my friend, as I know you will.