Monday, December 28, 2015


  The fear of public speaking is often referred to as one of the greatest fears of man, second only to death.  Fear can, and often is, a debilitating emotion.  It can either motivate us to extents for which we knew not existed or it can be debilitating and leave us in a figurative crumpled mess on the floor.  Fear is the great equalizer among us all.  Perhaps it is not fear that controls us but the inability to face it unaided.  We all are faced with fears on a daily basis and in all facets of our life.  The fear of failure, the fear of public humiliation, and one of the greatest fears above all else, including death, is the fear of being alone.  Learning to face whatever fears arise in your journey can be particularly rewarding, regardless of outcome, if you simply acknowledge the fact that fear is nothing but a feeling.  It’s our body’s red flag to something before us, which is complex, uncomfortable, and quite often a danger either physically, emotionally, spiritually, or socially.  Fear if left unchecked often keeps us from greater heights as well as greater goodness.  Fear is there to challenge us and to take us somewhere for which we cannot go if we don’t look it in the face and find a way through it, around it, over it, or to abolish it from the situation.  To be the champion of your own fear is to be the champion of your very soul.  Fear so often keeps so many from something far greater just beyond its reach.  It is possible to overcome any fear if you’re willing to become your own champion and reach deep within to face the fears in the deepest recesses of your inner self.
  For those willing to sit quietly and simply allow their own fears to surface it can be quite intimidating.  To be still in a space where we are terrified of the outcome, in and of itself, can be completely overwhelming.  Every day we make the choice to face so many obstacles and quite frankly fear is one for which most people would much rather just avoid.  Ultimately we face these demons in absolute solitude.  We can hire a guide to help us face our fear of heights, or the act of barreling down the face of an immense wave, and yet in the moment of truth we are truly alone as we cross the threshold to the other side.  While we can employ the services of a coach to help us learn to speak in front of a crowd, we stand alone in the moment of truth.  With a quiver full of tools for which we’ve acquired throughout our lifetime, we still must stand and face our fears virtually naked and alone.  In the quest to live a great life we must always move forward and never grow stagnant or comfortable.  To push your limits is merely a way to move those “limits”, take a step forward and do it again.  A life void of challenges is no life at all.  We must face our challenges, fears, obstacles, problems, and situations alone!  Regardless of who’s in your corner you are your own champion.  When the bell rings, no on steps into the cage of life except you!

  Quietly you can reach outwardly for support, for a champion, for someone who believes in you, but in the end, and in the heat of the battles you will face it is YOU who will face down the demons that haunt you.  When you realize that the only person who is permanent in your life is the one looking at you in the mirror, you can stop searching outwardly for support….for someone to be your champion…and realize in that very moment that you have all that you need within to allow you to overcome any obstacle you face.  We all want support.  We all want even just that one person who will have your back in the worst of times and yet again as life progresses and we age, we find that as the seasons of life change and we walk on, the one person we can rely on is that same man (or woman) staring at us in the mirror.  No one can fight our battles for us, and quite frankly no one can understand what’s inside us, so we must learn to retreat within our own minds and find the courage to take the next step. 

  As a species I don’t believe we are meant to be alone and yet I believe that until we learn to be alone we cannot truly push the limits that have held us back on so many levels.  Until we learn to retreat deeper within and face the fears that hold us back, until that time, we cannot make the steps forward into the greatness that awaits us.  The most debilitating obstacle we all face is the fear of being alone.  As a society we are so incredibly “social” in nature that there’re no mysteries anymore.   Every corner of the earth seems to have been discovered.  Every mountain has been climbed, and still the greatest journey lies within us and yet most are so afraid to climb deep within and see the majesty that we all possess internally.  We surround ourselves with distractions, people, photos, etc.  Social media has taken the mystery out of anything.  It takes only a matter of minutes to log on and “get to know” someone.  There’re no unexplored arenas when we put ourselves out there to the extent that we are no longer anonymous.  That fear of being unseen, unheard, and alone has created an incredible vortex of information and societal backwash filled with information overload.  That fear of being alone (or anonymous) has crippled our sense of adventure.  The utter fear of solitude has led us to put it all out there on public display hoping that someone will notice us.

  We are all guilty…even me, and yet through the trials of the last couple years in my life I’ve found the greatest strength when I realize I am truly alone!  People come and go, time waits for no one, and the ever-present constant is simply the fact that we are alone.  No one will pick up the sword and charge forward on your behalf.  No matter how close someone is, they cannot get inside and understand the fears you face.  All too often those you’ve let in simply turn and walk away and that’s just how life goes.  It’s one of the greatest gifts in life, to let someone in close, and yet again until you realize you still stand alone you cannot truly appreciate the incredible gift of having that someone so close.   A beautiful metaphor (which I seem to utilize often) is that life is so incredibly similar to the art of pugilism.  It’s a constant dance full of battles, rests, grace, and love!  Yes love!  And yet until we realize that no matter who is in our corner we must do our fighting alone…we cannot truly embrace or appreciate the ability we have to become our own champion!  Until we can take a step back and embrace the silence and overcome the fear of being alone/anonymous….we cannot truly take the steps forward and push our limits to the next level.  Until we stop counting the number of “likes” we have, or the number of “friends” we have…until then we cannot appreciate those who stand closest to us…who stand in our corner and become the champions (in their own right) who will see us off into each obstacle/battle we face.  Until we lift the fog of false pretense that surrounds us daily, we will not see the beauty which still lies not only before us, but deep within us in the quiet spaces devoid of anything but the pure beauty that we all posses. 

  Personally it’s been an awkward journey for me as well.  Something I’m still working on as I retreat back to the foundations I know exists.  As the circle (of friends, companions, supporters, etc.) continues to shrink, by choice, I find that those still standing in my corner are so much more radiant, supportive, and genuine.  There’s an authenticity that exists when you go forth to face all of your fears with the subtle support of your inner circle and yet with the most profound knowledge that in the end…you stand alone to face your demons!  So be your own champion and whatever challenges you face don’t muddy the waters with distractions.  Don’t expect others to numb the pain.  Fear not what lies before you and trust deeply in the abilities, strength, and fortitude that lies within you!  Fear is nothing but a feeling and like all feelings it too shall pass!  So stand up and face it head on like the champion you are!