French! The universal language of love. Universal in the sense that we all know it is “the language of love”, yet only 113 million, in a world with over 6 billion, speak it fluently. It is a beautiful language and a spirit of love emanates from their culture. I hope to one day experience that culture (again) first hand, both figuratively and literally. I hope that love will someday consume my heart like a raging wildfire as it has done for the last 15 years, growing and consuming more as time went on. I can only hope for such fire and fury of love in my heart. In the meantime, I try valiantly to extinguish that same fire with each passing day. It is a fight that I face daily and one in which I do not have the tools to suppress this raging inferno, yet I must find a way if I want to walk away with anything left. The tools to grow can often prove to be unexpected and odd. The language of love can speak to us in ways, and at times, that fully catches us off guard.
Through this experience I have felt utter devastation, as well as unconditional love from those who have lifted me back up from my knees. I have learned that God can, and will, knock you to your knees, prostrate, and crying out for help, then pick you back up to walk even taller than you ever have before. As you float drift less in a sea of anguish, despair, shock, and loneliness, the tide ebbs and flows. You crest one wave and feel a sense of being on “top of things”, only to descend the other side and into a valley so low that you feel like you are drowning. Such is the rhythm of life. You are “out there” in this sea of veritable loneliness. Left to navigate that which there is no map..no compass. Those close to you, some old friends, some new, act as lighthouses guiding you through the storm. Showing you the way and providing an ever present luminescence that guides you and gives you something to reach your hands out for. Something to keep you moving forward, enabling you to get your bearings. As you sail across this proverbial sea of change towards what you hope will lead to a new understanding, a new love, a new life, you can only survive the swell and storm around you.
This past weekend was no exception to the journey. Ups and downs, ebbs and flows. I did, however, find a new tool to add to my quiver. Something that gave me peace and comfort. Something that many of us partake in daily and rarely see it as little more than a satisfying way to appease our palate. Coffee! I have not always been a fan; in fact my wife can take credit for introducing me to the “Nectar of the Gods”. Never has the simple act of preparing coffee or consuming it, produced such enlightenment. I was having dinner with someone with whom I thought I knew, someone for whom I have shared many special moments, yet this person is/was a complete stranger. There across the kitchen stood someone so beautiful that her mere presence made the sound of angels trumpets emanate throughout my soul. As we ground the beans and prepared the water, we were just there. Few words, just enveloped in each other’s presence and the moment. There appeared“rightness” about her being there. A calmness that I have not known in a long time. An easiness. I felt as though my spirit was stepping with liveliness unbeknownst to me.
Now it is no secret that I have always been captivated, mesmerized if you will, with beautiful eyes. As a photographer I had always loved stunning eyes. Her eyes are the exception, in the sense that they are deeper than any I have known. I had looked into them before yet never as I did then. In them I could sense a kind of peace and tranquility. Deep and azure; not a cloud between us. She would walk across the hard wood floors with a gait of gentleness that I had not expected. Comforting was her presence, soothing were her eyes. Hair as golden as an early morning sunrise, with a fragrance reminiscent of spring flowers. Who was this woman? Where had she been? My life was in the midst of a “perfect storm” and here lies this person with whom I could be at ease with. We stood within feet of one another, yet miles apart. Smiling and talking as if the seas around me were calm and tranquil. The coffee steeping in the French press. Time drifting on and the ease only deepening. The steam rising from the pot, the aroma wafting the delicious fragrance about the room. I had a sense of peace unbeknownst to me. I had only just recently written in my blog about a peace that was overwhelming, yet this peace was different. I thought I had known no more substantial peace than before this, yet I was wrong.
I looked into her eyes often, always trying to avoid being caught like a bandit stealing a glance. We laughed and smiled and I was even fortunate enough to feel the tranquility of her embrace. The warmth of her arms wrapped around my shoulders, the softness of her skin. The feeling of weightlessness in her arms, like being lifted from the ground. Free of gravity and the weight that pulls us all down. The brevity of the moment was ever present. If only for a moment we could have eternity. Then it was time to press the grounds. Slowly! Too fast and you can ruin a good thing. Patiently is the way forward to an incredible cup of goodness. That warmth I felt in her arms was now what I felt in my hands as we raised our cups to our lips. The aroma so smooth, so soft, assuaging the grief surrounding me. It all flowed, it all fit perfectly. I dare not call it love, but it was all encompassing and all good. Peace, serenity, and a familiarity that was soothing.
In recent weeks I had prayed often for this type of peace and comfort. Little did I know that it could come “from” someone, much less through the shared experience as simple as a cup of coffee. Can God really be in a cup? I speak no French whatsoever, but the language of love was spoken on that morning. The subsequent morning I felt as if I was taken away to a place where I felt no pain. Nirvana, bliss, heaven, call it what you will, but I was there for almost a full day. That morning was surreal. I knew that I would have to step back into reality at some point, but to feel what I felt was something that I will not soon forget. To have felt that with someone for whom I thought I knew was something that will forever be ingrained in my soul. The following morning felt as though I had drank from the cup of life. Filled with peace and refreshed. Still facing the hardships ahead, but lifted higher than I have thus far, by a face that I thought I knew, in the eyes that were now full of grace and kindness. I thought I was dreaming, sat up, and right there by the door was the sign that let me know I hadn’t imagined that day…..her shoes, right where she left them. She was real. The moment, no matter how fleeting, was real. I’ll hold onto that day for many more to come.
Oh F%$^ ! That one was amazing. You are a wordsmith. You waste your days doing what you do for a living. Yet another amazing woman has graced you with her presence. Don't look back my friend. Greatness is in you and you know this. Keep writing for us all.
Oh my Jim. You aren't the same little punk we all knew. You have turned into an amazing man. Even since just before this happened I have seen you grow so much more than anyone could expect. I am sad that she lost you. What a treasure you are to all of us.
Hell yeah brother! “DUDE”! Way to go out there and sweep them off their feet. Where in the hell did you get your skills man? You are making the rest of us pukes look bad. F that bitch man! You deserve so much better than her. We are all fightin’ for ya out here on the west side. Keep your head up and stop giving that bitch any of your time.
Wow, I get exhausted reading your writing. Very emotional and beautiful. Now I want to go have a cup of Joe with my wife :-)
I want to be your wife. You amaze me and so many others. Great stuff. Where did you get that heart?
your writing and your photography are so good! try writing a book and adding your own illustration. what a project..i know... but i would not be able to wait for the final product....i love your writing, always have. you have had so many experiences to write about. I wish i had your skills so i could do it and not keep pushing you. LOL!
Good old Jake “The Snake”,
DUDE. Long time no talk. I am curious to know how you found out about my blog. Let me start by saying that I love you like I love all of my brothers, sisters, and fellow humans out there. That is at a VERY basic level, and anything beyond that is EARNED. I love some people more than others and have learned to forgive in so many ways since this happened. That being said – you know me from kickboxing , and something Mr. Keller used to teach us: Honor & Respect. Now, like you and I, or anyone else out there, Peg is not perfect. I am not perfect. I write because it is what I feel and while I am DEVASTATED and dealing with irreparable damage, I still love and respect my wife, and my honor for her is real. You called her a B not once, but twice on your comment. I should delete your comment but I will leave it to make my point. So help me, regardless of the past that you and I shared, if you utter those words about her EVER AGAIN I will end you. You will be removing my fist from where your teeth used to be. I am a very forgiving man (now more so than ever) but I will not tolerate someone talking about my wife that way. She is my wife until she is no longer my wife. Treat her as such or just stay off here and away from me. I love you brother and have often wondered about you and how you and your kids are, but don’t contact me if you intend to think, or talk about her like that. This isn’t a sounding board for people that want to pass judgment. You can have an opinion and even post about it, but be respectful. This is the way that I deal and it is very real and honest. You know me well enough to know that I don’t make empty threats. Just don’t think of her that way. She made mistakes just like you have, or me for that matter.
Take care,
You better get in line for this boy. I think you may have many locals in line before you. We are first.
What a lucky girl. You are gonna be fighting them off like killer bees :)!!!
Now we wait to learn who the "mystery girl" is!
JBM-My, my...I have a whole new respect for coffee...and French presses. But I do get your meaning. Enlightenment and/or peace can be found in the most unusual of places. I know whereof you speak. I've had my eyes, and my heart, opened by old friends, surprising new friends, a great book, conversation over a glass of wine, even a car ride. Help can be offered in a multitude of ways. Our job is just to recognize it when we see it, and take it when it is offered. The delightful thing about you, though, is that you give back tenfold what is offered to you. That, in and of itself, is part of what makes you a blessed man. Even when you are going through something as traumatic as the current situation you still are the best listener, and you have the most comforting shoulder to cry on.
We all love the person you are, Jim. The words you write and the peace you give make us all better for having known you. Keep the wisdom coming. We're listening, too...
And then you defend her? Bravo. You are surely more than meets the eye.
Your quotes, writing, and inspiration are touching. I have loved your quotes you have been putting on FB. Here is one for you. It fits you so well.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage. "
Lao Tzu
"If only for a moment we could have eternity". How do you do it? We were are talking about your situation today, and then we read your blog. You know what several of us talked about? How sick we are of seeing you suffer and be down. How "no one really knows you". How non of us "had to live with you". What a bunch of CRAP Jim. You are an amazing man and always were. You are ten times the man you were before this and no one thought that was possible. You aren't perfect and we all know that. You wear that big old heart on your sleeve. She can hide behind that crap all she wants. The problem is that this is a tiny town and we all see right through the BS. You continue to stand there and take what NO HUMAN BEING should have to endure. She has no humility. Move forward Jim. We are all here for you, we pray for you and the kids, and we see who you are. You will be fine here. Word spreads like that "wildfire" you talk about. Your love and character precede you. The people of this fine town have always rallied behind the truth and what is good in this world. You are a light shining from a dark space. Leave that space and leave behind the darkness that is her.
JIM BUDDY. Why do you give that piece of crap ( I didn't call her the B word) on ounce of your love brother? She has shat on you again and again. What she did was disgusting and she deserves the hell she will rot in. Man if half these folks knew what she did, when she did it, and how she was doing it, they'd be freaking out too. Man there are no excuses. This dude duped her like he did the others and she fell right for it. Run while you still have your health. Stay away from her.
Oh and why aren't you pouring that insane love out onto this girl you write about. Stop wasting your time knuckle head.
When the phone rang tonight and I was told to "go read Jim's current post" I had no idea of what to expect. You know me and my profession. You know I analyze everything. I can tell you this from our conversations, this wasn't your fault. You don't do what she did for the "little" things that "built up" over the years. I am so sorry that you live with the horrific truth of it all. Unfortunately you probably still don't have the truth. Statistically I can tell you that she and her new friend WILL do this again eventually. They see what they did as justified and they ( especially your wife) show little to no remorse. The way you describe her lack of emotion is classic. I have talked to you about all of this but I feel the need to post a comment here in large part because your friends are right. These amazing feelings you express here should not be wasted on someone who did this and who will do it again when they become bored or you make them angry. Take these amazing insights and feelings and invest them into someone worth the time. I am sorry you were hurt Jim. You did not cause this nor can you fix her. Often times even one of us professionals can't fix these types of people. It takes an institution and medication to do so but unfortunately these types often justify themselves in their won minds. I know we spoke about the way this haunts you, and I want you to know that it is normal and will subside with time. The things she did were HORRIFIC to you and your kids. No thought was given to any of you and now your lives are truly in turmoil. As you said "the future for you and your kids is uncertain and bleak". This is true Jim but you can overcome this. Fight and continue to write. All I ask of you is that you listen intently to those around you. You are wasting precious time if it is being spent on someone who would do this and show no outward remorse. I am here for you and will always offer you my friendship and services in that order.
I disagree. Don't give up on hope or her. She is hurting and suffering too. You are on the right path regardless of what happens. Be the good man and don't turn your back on her. All those years DO NOT just go away. Be there for her and be the one you know you are and that she will learn to love again. If not, then at least you tried and have that peace.
Stop being a panzy and a quitter. What do you have to lose by being there for her?
Jim, I agree with the previous post. I think you are handling it all right. She may have been selfish, thoughtless, and hurtful but you shared a life and love. She is hurting as well. It is very easy to be angry with her and say you are wasting your time. Especially for those of us on the outside looking in.
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. - Chinese Proverb
Burn baby burn !!!
You know what I have gone through the past year, and all I can do is promise you that it WILL get easier everyday. The pain, the uncertainty, the doubts of "what if" and "why me" will, just as you said, ebb and flow. But you will come to a point, that as the tide comes in, it will bring with it a little more joy, and wash away your angst. And as for those who choose to judge, hold your tongue until you have walked even a short day in either one of these peoples' shoes. Marriage is many things, none of which is perfection or ideal. I admire you, Jim, for still loving her and, in a sense, having her back. Not one of us knows her pain, either.
For now, enjoy your cup of joe :)
You never cease to amaze me with the beauty you find despite the storm you are living in. Your evolution might be what God has had in mind for you all along. Sometimes you just have to slow down and open your eyes to see the wonders He has to offer. :)
If you want an excellent French Press, check out the followig:
And if you want something really bizarre, and for a good laugh:
Jim, you are awesome, as always!
I knew you would bounce back!
I KNOW that the "switch" you talk about is the other guy. When she met him I'm guessing her every thought was of him and you were the last person she wanted to see. I don't mean to be ugly and I'm basing it on what you have told me. She WANTED to be with him, the "perfect" life, exciting, new, romantic. Her loyalties switched to him and she probably even felt 'guilty' for being with you. I know that probably sounds screwed up but obviously before all of this she had some issues. As with me, I THOUGHT I was miserable. Life was boring, routine. I analyzed everything bad about Carlos. He wasn't what I envisioned for my future. I magnified all of his flaws and compared my life to everyone else, who appeared to have the perfect life. When the other guy comes along, WALAH(sp)! the answer to my prayers. Finally you can have the life everyone else has. Now, last I heard it was over with them. That doesn't mean she comes running back. She is actually mourning that loss, she is realizing what a fool she was and maybe even thinks there is still a chance. She is probably feeling sorry for herself, no one else is. Maybe she thinks there is a chance of finding someone else "perfect".
It was not until I, myself, realized how much I really loved Max and he wasn't going to play "games" with me and our relationship was genuine that I could learn to love him again. I had to see that there was no "perfect" guy and the comfort of trust and knowing he wasn't going anywhere was worth so much more than the "new" exciting life. I had to realize all the relationships that appeared great on the outside were really a lot like my own with Max. There were problems and unfortunately for women its like a competition. You want everyone to believe you are living a fairy tale! I wish everyone could be honest and help each other through the rough times. When I would tell friends about things Max would do they would side with me and feel sorry and wonder why I stayed with him. That made me resent our marriage even more. We are supposed to be forgiving and patient. Its not easy but I had VERY few people offer me that advice. They saw me miserable and thought we shouldn't be together. Thus, the grass looked greener!
Continued below:
I don't know who this girl married to Max is, but she has had about the most sound advice so far. Listen to her Jim. Don't you quit. Don't ever give up. You are not that type. You have always stuck up for us little people with no voice and now it is time to stick up for you and your family - AND HER. You go boy. Fight like hell !
Okay jackass who is this coffee girl you write of? Any guesses people? Fess up and go get her.
TELL US NOW !!! Is it that Blue-Eyed Angel you spoke of?
I say it's old Blue Eyed Angel !
I second that nomination.
I wish it were me. I'd say yes!
I am baffled. I gotta know. You make her sound like a dream. Is she?
Oh you guys are killing me. Okay, so how bout’ a hint? Here it goes:
This gal is AMAZING in every sense of the word.
She is “new” and refreshing.
She glides on a layer of clouds just below her feet.
She is sincere and kind.
Gentle and caring.
Funny and goofy.
About five foot something tall.
She takes my breath away and gives it back so I can breathe.
She makes my heart speed up and my blood pressure fall…relaxes me.
Her mannerisms are unique and entertaining.
Her smile is paralyzing, yet sets me free.
Her touch goes beyond soothing.
Her eyes sparkle like a sky filled with stars..only brighter.
She is FIRST AND FOREMOST my friend.
My bad ass attitude and tough gayness ( is that a word) crumble at her feet.
My knees go beyond weak in her presence…I don’t even realize I am standing when near her.
My ability to communicate comes out like Charlie Brown’s teacher when I try to tell her…
It is someone NEW and EXCITING…somewhat of a stranger.
She is an Angel to the Angels.
She is FIRST AND FOREMOST my friend.
And that is the way it should be…FIRST !!!
You are not even close !! Have fun guessing.
WOW !! That was supposed to read GUYNESS...not GAYNESS. It is a WOMAN..not a man, I promise.
I'll never tell...
I like to think that things have a way of working themselves out. At a time when I was in the same situation and I thought the world was falling apart, it ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me. I never thought I wanted my (first) marriage to end, but when it did, and after some time had passed, I found I could be happy and that it was meant to be, and I realized that the only reason I didn't want it to end was because I didn't want to fail. But fail it did, and I'm glad. This, in my mind, has reinforced the theory that things happen for a reason, that people are in our lives for a reason. I hope that the reason I was married to and had a child with my first husband is that there is a reason for her to be here, that she will do some good in the world that wouldn't have been done if she didn't exist. I think that the events in our lives lead us to some point that we can't predict, that we can't understand until afterward, and that if it doesn't kill us, we'll be made stronger. You were with your wife for a reason: your beautiful children and to feel what it was to love. If the things that happened to you didn't happen, then perhaps you wouldn't have had that wonderful experience you had over the weekend. Complicated, yes, understandable, no, but in the end the path may lead to places you never dreamed of. All I can do is encourage, and wish you good journey.
hahaha...gayness...toooo funny.. ;p
see ur writing isnt perfect afterall...lol I'm playin!!! You know I did't post my thoughts on your last blog, although I enjoyed reading it very much. Your words take me with you on these written journeys and I love the trip everytime. I think that all of your friends love you and love to give advice. But what would any of us really do in the same situation? Who knows for sure. I do believe that you are a remarkable person and to continue to prove this on a daily basis. Your children are very lucky to have you as a role model! And you are also lucky to have the insight to keep loving when it seems hopless to do so. Fantastic. I am happy to read in your lastest blog that you are still very interested in a relationship, that you are not a woman hater and that you are NOT gay!!! hehehe, sorry, ;p, couldnt help myself...peace
I don't know how far off I'd be but when it seems like someone is remorseless in a situation like this, or cold emotionally- it's a defense for an already vulnerable position. A defense for the guilt she feels and the hurt she knows she's caused but isn't quite sure how to deal with it yet. A wall to get behind when she's making herself crazy wondering what other people think about her. A wall so that nobody else can see in until she is good and ready. She has her own story, we don't know what that is and we have no right to speculate. What I do know is that these are two people who have loved and lost a few times over during their lives together. Wherever this goes, a new story will evolve for each of you. Until then, that ebb and flow is happening for both of you right now and you both need that time to let the tide carry you to a good place. Learn what you need to learn, accept the things you need to accept, change the things you can change, and fight for what you want...
Good lawd! I have never wanted to be a woman preparing coffee for a man as much as I do now....THAT was AMAZING!!! She is a lucky, lucky lady. Holy cow. You dont have to say but is she your blue eyed angel as well??? Hmmmm...how I wish I lived in Durango!
xoxo Dawn
If you get involved too soon with someone and the timing is wrong (which it is), then you will only hurt yourself more. It is like putting a bandaid on a broken leg. Besides, if you really do want your marriage to work talking about another woman is not the best idea.
WOW !!! Lots of feedback. I am stunned. I will say this to the poster at 8:23pm - judge not ! You know not who I speak of or what I speak of. My "broken" spirit and heart could not be fixed with a bandaid, cast, or surgery. Time is all I have and an open heart.
Hey Jim!!!! I finally slowed my life down to really read your blogs and now I understand. I still feel like an idiot for thinking the worst about your wife. I am glad to know that she did not pass away. Your writing is so beautiful. I feel honored that you share your life. My advice for you is still the same about what GOD's plans for us. You keep holding your head up high and be optimistic about the future. You are a special person Jim and with your continued faith, you will continue to be blessed. I will continue to lift you up in prayer Jim. Just know that you have a friend willing to listen.
One more thing...... one more Laker Hater comment sent my way, and I will punish you!!!! LOL!!!! Love ya and hope to hear from you soon.
I wanted you to know how your writing can truly touch someone. Mike and I have had it rough lately. Just living here in Durango tests us daily. It seems that life and work get in the way and the next thing you know; you are standing there in the kitchen next to a total stranger. So much anger and frustration can build and build before you realize what is happening. It seems you know what I am talking about. It has just been crazy around here. Tension has built and built. Lots of blaming. Then I read your blog and I could not stop crying. What a gift to the world you are. Your friend’s comments also gave me so much insight. I thought about your posting all day and kept going back and reading it. I started to read others and I was just astounded that there are people like you in the world. I don’t know what went wrong for you guys but I can tell you that knowing you and reading your writing, you have a heart of gold. You are a champion in so many ways. You champion the cause of love, hope, and faith. You walk tall through your words and your actions. The change that your friends have seen in you over the last few months is nothing short of a miracle. I know we just talked the other day and you told me that you didn’t know how much more you could take or how much longer you could go on walking this high road. Well, you are not alone. I can’t believe the support you have here locally, much less from all these friends on your blog. We will hold you up. You inspire all of us and we are here for you as you have been for us.
So back to me. Mike came down to the kitchen this morning and it was the usual tension. You could cut it with a knife. I had gotten up early and dug out our French Press. Yes I did! I went last night and bought some nice coffee. I had two cups sitting there handle to handle as you told me about. I felt like a dork, but he came down and I could not stop thinking about your writing. I looked at the man who walked in that kitchen and it all fell away. I felt the good in him and I looked into his eyes and there he was. All the things I saw as bad, ugly, and wrong just fell to the wayside and there was this man that I married. Jim, I cried and just went and wrapped my arms around him. He was floored. We sat in that kitchen and made our coffee and drank it together. I have never enjoyed a moment like that in our lives. It is as if the steam from the coffee washed away the fog in our eyes. I love you Jim for the little gift you gave us. The hope that emanates from your words and pours from your heart. You are amazing and so unique. The “God in a cup” that you spoke of is real. He is everywhere. Your story inspires us all and your spirit and faith are two things that are stunning! Keep your head up and keep your heart soft. Don’t let her harden that heart. It would be an injustice to us all.
PUBLISH. This from a publisher. You are wasting your gift.
JD Alder
"Ok...just read the post from "Jan"....tears in my eyes!!! More purpose found in your journey......bring husbands and wives closer together! Are you sure you aren't really a famous author hiding in Durango to protect your anonymity? ;)"
You are AMAZING !!!FIRST I NEED A CUP OF COFFEE NOW. second, I was in tears reading you giving the hint of who this "mysterious" woman is,and how you talk about her just makes my heart melt, and then I started busting up about the "GAYNESS" comment.I am a total wreak right now.I'm still not sure what has happened between you both but sounds like she has another man.PEG HAS REALLY MESSED THINGS UP. SHE REALLY DOESN'T UNDERSTAND OR REALIZE WHAT SHE HAD AT HOME !!!! WOW, what a horrible lesson for her to learn. But back to the story,LOVE IT and i hope you got some !!!!
That last comment was from me, i don't know why it went anonymous !!!
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