Every journey begins with the realization that you don’t want to be where you are. Be it through suffering, be it through pain, be it through unhappiness, or discontentment, you feel the need to venture forth. Sometimes the choice is made for you and you are faced with a vast landscape unknown to you. The blank canvas before you can prove to be daunting, or exciting. Only you can define that which you walk into. Your feet as the brush are to the painter, an extension of what is inside. They take you to the final destination. The paints are all the variables around you, some of which can be mixed to create new variables, new opportunities. The journey begins with something right? That first step? Nah – too cliché’. Sometimes you care not to walk off into the new canvas but you suddenly realize you are left standing there alone. Standing solo with a vast uncharted world before you. Like the early explorers you know not what you face. Like an orphan you are left with emptiness so colossal that every thought seems abandoned in a fog that covers all the internal peaks in your heart. Like snow covering the colors of fall, you feel cold and lost. Before you lay a trial for which you have no defense. You simply walk forward onto this canvas, brush in hand, surrounded by colors, or possibilities, if you will.
The first step of any big climb is always full of anticipation, excitement, and fear. When you are abruptly faced with an unsuspected climb, you have to take a moment to regroup. Often times while I have been climbing, I see a ridge, a summit, or a bump that I suspect may be the top. The feeling of elation takes over and you suddenly are overwhelmed with hope. Hope that what you set out after is there, right in front of you. You speed up; your gait is lightened and quickened. Then you reach that ridge and realize it was a false summit. You still have a ways to go before reaching the peak. It is at this point when you think all is good, and it turns out that it is not, that you must reassess and look at the unplanned climb before you. You could give up and head back, as many do, but you are a fighter. You are wise enough to always have left a little in reserves. You are thirsty and drink in all around you. You sense the cool mountain air blowing up the ridge before you, the sound of the breeze whispering through the pine trees. You drink it all in. In utter awe that what could be seen as such a bad thing has now turned into such a beautiful thing. The future is yours. The canvas is your world, you are the artist. You have made the choice to push on and see the goodness before you and around you. Your false summit has now turned into an extension of the journey you set out on. You have more time to enjoy this life you have been gifted. God speaks to you up here, you listen intently.
When starting off on a solo climb, you tend to become more centered. You become more grounded, but only figuratively. You are free and there is only you and the world. The canvas is before you and you are the master of your own destiny. You have prepared as best you can, however you did not expect the false summits and new challenges you face. You push forward, not looking back. You put your head into the wind. The chilling breeze penetrates through the layers you have surrounded yourself with. These layers were there to protect you from such violations, yet they still find a way through, robbing you of the warmth within. Like demons in the night, the biting wind is ever present, ever merciless. You zip up tighter, bite your lip, and push on. As you gain altitude, closer to God, the air grows thinner yet richer. Richer with life and the abundant calmness that lets you know you are close. You are closer to heaven than most men dare to be. You are alone but you feel surrounded by so much. Like the orphan, you are full of life, full of opportunity, and still you are without direction, without support. No life compass- only your canvas before you and your brush to guide you. Your climb through these peaks and valleys has always been full of false summits, false hopes, shattered dreams, and disappointment. The optimist in you sees those things as simple challenges that you have overcome with grace. Here you are once again, the world before you, much of it below you, and it is yours! You continue higher and the summit is near. Unlike the false summits, this one is real, tangible, and within reach. You are above the clouds, walking on God’s doorstep.
You reach the top calmly and full of life. As you look around, you realize that this is just one of many summits. There are so many peaks and valleys before you. The journey will not be easy, but there is so much to see, so much to experience. You feel a peace for which only one who has made such a journey can understand. You are above the clouds and in the realm of those with wings. You are solo, but you are surrounded by so much that is good, so much love, and so much kindness. You are at peace and you are at home.
Bravo - once again. Felt like I was climbing right there with you. Keep climbing higher. Love to read your stuff. Becoming a regular thing for me. I look forward to each post.
Jim - I am running out of complements. I love it. You are an amazing man and you are destined for greatness and a love like never before. Keep writing. I stop whatever I am doing when you post in order to read these. Great stuff.
Yeah Jim. Go boy. It's like I have a new favorite magazine or article to read. Don't stop.
Jim keep climbing,keep your head up,and never stop seeking new challenges.I don't know the pain you are going through,but I do know I'm here for you and the kids whatever you need.You are very good at writing so keep it up too.
To all of you who keep leaving feedback and sending emails: Thank you so very much.
I am not a King but have a Rich Heart, I am not the Best but I try My Best, I may not be Right in everything but, I am sure I was not Wrong, in choosing YOU as My Friend....
Jim - You make me feel like I am climbing too!! Love the new post. You are making ALL of us think in new ways about our lives. :)
Jim, I too am running out of complements! I wish I had your writing talent! Its amazing how natural it is for you :)
JBM-You are extraordinary. Not just for your writing but for the man you have become. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of the ways we touch the hearts of others.
I once knew a boy. He was kind and sweet and gifted. He didn't have his life completely figured out, but he was sure of what he would get from it; love, happiness, adventure, true friends. This boy delighted in everything his life had to offer, and he went after it with unparalleled gusto. He pursued his hobbies as heartily as he pursued his love. Over the years this boy got all things he truly wanted, and then some.
Fast forward 16 years. I now see that boy has grown into a man. And not just any man, but one who can be proud of himself and stand up tall despite any diversity. Recently, this man has been through one of the most trying times of his life. Does he hang his head? Does he give up? Does he turn his back on everything and walk away? Are you kidding? He's extraordinary! Not only does he weather his own storm with his head held high, he opens his heart and shares his awe inspiring insight and pure love with the rest of us.
I am grateful to you, Jim. It is an honor to call you my friend. Please keep talking.
i haven't even read this post yet, but i, too, am grateful for your sharing your lessons learned and reaching out versus the contrary. I'm proud of you, jimmy. misty
What so many of the people posting comments on here DON’T realize is the walk you taking. They don’t see you as often as your local Durangoans and co-workers do. Sure you are an amazing writer. That is a gift your are using to give us all some insight to what we have. Sure you are a great man. What you can’t see unless you live near this man is the strength to walk this walk and at the same time to still be there for her in ways that NO ONE would find the strength to do. You have changed tremendously through this and it is not only humbling to watch but it makes us look at our lives, as others have said. You are a true inspiration and I bid you all the best. You are a real man in every sense for standing by her even when 99.9% wouldn’t do so. Continue to be that 1%. We all love you and embrace you.
Okay! Now that you've found the bluebird of happiness, Port has a new task for you. :) Sorry, I just had to say that. Anyway, my new brother in arms, oh warrior of the ancients. You might help me yet to get out of one of many writing blocks. Keep it up. Someday soon, I'll have mine for you to enjoy as well. A slight bit more light hearted though. I look forward to being back in town again and hang out over a cold one and laugh hard.
Ah Jim. You just took me away to that special place. Good for you for moving on. I don't know ALL of the details but it sounds like you got the raw end of the deal. Don't worry my friend she will live in guilt and anguish for the rest of her life. It is a HUGE burden to carry. Take those kids and give them the life you dream of and write about.
Sounds like you need to go climb with an Angel !!!!
Sounds like he is surrounded by Angels and will have some choosing to do. You seen him lately?! Grrrr
When I needed a a bit of a lift, you delivered much more than that. Please don't stop writing any time soon Jim, because yours is the place I go when it's time for an adjustment of perspective...much love to you!
Hi Jim,
It was a great EMT course -- you would have loved the hands-on simulations.
I read your blog. Yes, what a year for you.
I have shared the tremendous loss you face in losing your partner in the loss of my first wife, in my case thru death caused by Huntington's Disease. I understand the profound sense of loss you face every day. I do not have any contrite words for you beyond to just decide to do the very next thing you need to do every day. Stay in touch with your core Purpose, helpinh others, and relish in any opportunity to be of service to those around you. I do offer my friendship and perspective in managing the grief you are enduring.
And those photos of your surgery...bam!
I am in Washington, DC on a business trip this week, and then look forward to being settled in Bayfield. I would look forward to seeing you, and meeting your flight medic friend.
My best regards,
"Great post Jim! Every climb starts out with a WTF moment. But you battle through and carry on. That's why climbing is the perfect metaphor for life. Every endeavor turns out to be way harder than you expect. Perservering and working hard and overcoming obstacles can get you to your goal. And when you reach the Summit you realize you are only half way there. When you make it you feel euphoria and want to do it all over again but even better the next time."
It is the survivor that sees the many other peaks as other journeys and knows that each and every one of those journeys would be just as hard and painful, if not harder, than this one. No matter, the survivor only sees the beauty and peace of the journey, and leaves behind the pain of why it had to be started. The survivor does not look back down to the original point of starting and does not say to themselves, look at how far "I" have come. The survivor is always in love with where they are standing "now", no matter where that may be, and the survivor always looks out to the future as life, just plain and simple "life"; and plain and simply loves... That is who you are Jim, a survivor, like many of us. Welcome to club, but you were always a part of it... love, your friend and support for life, Tambri
You are a warrior in every sense of the word and that has always been such a prominent quality in you. On top of that you have a heart of gold. I see such a change in you and it is overwhelming to me at times, as it is with others. You are a GREAT person and your love shines through.
Jim; Keep heading in the right direction as you have been since all of this began. You are getting stronger each day and I am convinced that you will survive only as a better and stronger man. You have been through a lot the past few weeks I am proud of how you are handling things. I can't even imagine what it is like on the "front lines" fighting this battle of your life. Just stay positive and be with the kids as much as you can. It's not easy on them either and they surely need your support and leadership now more than ever. You have been and still are a good Dad to them and I am proud of that. They both look up to you as their tower of strength. Hang tuff. Things will get better. I love you Jim and am thinking of you always. Dad
You rock! Good to have you back. Now I just want to go climb and try to be as good of a man as I can be. You inspire.
I read your blog this weekend. Very emotional and inspiring. You’ve been hit with something out of the blue that I can’t even imagine. I commend your strength, as it seems that you are already moving in a positive direction in such a short time.
Keep climbing and writing, it’s good for all of us.
Oh Jim!!!! I am so sorry!!! I had no idea. My heart is sad and breaking for you. I can honestly say that I know what it is like to feel what you feel. My life ended briefly in 2003 when my oldest daughter Desiree passed away unexpectedly in the month of November. That year was the year I said hello to my fourth child, Caleb and had to say good bye to my first born Desiree. I don't know why things in life happen Jim but I do believe this...... GOD is a good GOD and he does things in our lives for reasons that we don't understand. We live by HIS will. When Desiree went home to be with HIM, I ran to the LORD as fast as I could and repented and asked for forgiveness. Life constantly changes but the LORD is always the same and I have peace in knowing that HE will always love me . Jim if you ever need to talk, I am here. I will lift you and your family in prayer. We were friends back in the day and I pray that years of being apart has not ended that even though we are a little bit older by a couple of years. Please keep in touch and know that I am a good listener. Love ya!!!!
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