A heart without wings is like a wild animal caged and held in captivity, a living being waiting to reach its potential. Through it all, I have felt the quintessential need to sprout wings and let my heart take flight. Contrary to the way most people would interpret that statement, I don’t mean that my heart wants to fly away and find a new home, new horizons, or newness in general. What I mean is that your heart and soul can only take so much of a beating before they begin to fight back, to go into “self preservation” mode. Like a bird that has been injured and grounded, you will keep your senses on overdrive and continually watch out for danger and things that can hurt you. Like the caged animal, a grounded bird has lost its greatest ability. It has lost its ability to soar above and look down on what is below, like the caged animal it is held captive. Being grounded for so long, you can only look up and long to soar again. Through the clouds, through the rain, through the heart of everything. Crisp air is what you crave. The freshness of life flowing through your lungs, under your wings, and in your face. Those little flutters when you plunge earthbound, only for a moment, only to regain control. The adrenaline that courses through your veins when you know you are free is something that only the “free” can experience.
So does “free” mean “free to roam”? That depends on who you ask. I truly believe that we all cage our hearts and minds to a certain extent. Whether due to relationships, hardships, beliefs, or fear. Because you love, doesn’t mean your heart is not free. Free to fly. Free to explore who you are. When you love something – set it free…right? Well, dare to set your heart free, no matter your situation or circumstances. When you can do this, you can live exponentially more than you ever have. You can experience love and life like never before. In doing so you only enhance what is true in your heart. The love you have for others will blossom and reach new heights. Unfortunately that love that I had is gone. Gone to another and gone to a place of irreconcilement. What you felt was just Purgatory turns out to be hell.
1. incapable of being brought into harmony or adjustment; incompatible: irreconcilable differences.
2. incapable of being made to acquiesce or compromise; implacably opposed: irreconcilable enemies.
When your heart reaches this point you must spread your wings and lift yourself up again. Out of the fire that surrounds you. You know you must leave the place you are and reach those heights that hold the key to understanding. All the while you feel the overwhelming absence of the ground below you. The grounded feeling of familiarity, of the nest that was home. You were once something to someone, and now you are nothing to them. They were your whole life and all that you were; now you must reach new heights and redefine your boundaries. All the while, you miss what once was. You ask why, but eventually you only ask what is next.
Like that bird leaving the nest you slowly spread your wings and stretch them out. You move to the edge and look around. You see a great unknown, a vast landscape of possibility. You know not what you do. Your heart races between those wings as you look back on your nest. You know that this is home and what feels right, yet you must fly. You are being bumped from your nest, ejected if you will. So you can either fall to the ground and spend your days looking out for what stalks you, or you can spread your wings and soar. Your heart will always belong to that place you called home, that one you loved. You know that your heart has been pure and true. You know that the love you felt was real, but all you feel is pain and the sudden shove over the edge. So you spread those wings and inhale – lean forward into the oncoming wind, and you fly. You let go and feel that pounding as you suddenly fall from grace. You hold your breath and close your eyes. Hold your wings rigid and firm. Looking straight ahead at all times. The ground rushes up, the blood moves to your head. Terminal velocity seems inevitable…but then it happens. Something reaches down, or maybe it is the rush of wind coming at you, but suddenly you feel weightless. Free. The pressure and pain subsides and you feel like you are floating. You exhale and take in a breath of new air. Pure air, much like the love you felt. Crisp, refreshing, and full of what you need to live. All you are is in that breath and the wind fluttering beneath your wings. Suddenly you are lifted and soaring high above all the world around you. Overcast skies give way to beaming light, staleness to freshness, gravity to uplifting joy, and turmoil to peace.
Could I have had these same experiences in my marriage? I did. Every day. I loved like there was no tomorrow. Did I make mistakes? You better believe it, but I always honored what we were and I always kept that heart with wings. So take it from one who cannot return to that nest; spread your wings with the one you love. Fly together and fly far.
DUDE - WTF. I mean WTF. Why are you not writing for a living. I can't believe you have stayed this calm during this. You are a good man. I sure as hell bet it is going to ultimately be her loss. Power on my friend.
True freedom comes when you can let her go. You can love her and miss her for a while but when you let her go you will truly be free.
You have the rest of your life to look forward to Jim. You are a great guy and will find true happiness again! Awesome post, you're a great writer. Love you!!!
To the spineless SOB who leaves "annonymous" postings about "growing a pair and moving on"...grow a set and leave your name on here. I don't hid behind anonymity. In fact - here's my number..call me. Be man ( or woman) enough to put a name behind your voice and stop being a coward.
Hey Buddy-
I'm blown away for so many reasons. Your writing is amazing, and your courage and strength are powerful; unlike anything I have ever witnessed. Like I've always said, I love you like family.
Jim; You have been dumped on big time and didn't deserve any of what you were dealt. You have handled this extreme hardship like no one else could have. You are doing all of the right things now and have set a course for healing and success in the future. I know the last few weeks been unbelievably difficult and your heart has been torn from your chest. Hang in there son and just focus on what is to come. I love you Jim.
What a gift you have and what a gift you are to others. Perhaps you will be the inspiration someone needs to pull themselves through a difficult season of THEIR lives. Keep writing!!
WOW!! I am not even sure how to respond....WOW!
Oh hell people. Looks like that old Jim that we all knew and loved is coming back. Look out world. Look out ladies. Spread those wings baby and soar !
You seem so connected to everthing....I can't even begin to describe how I feel let alone put it as beautifuly as you do. I'm jealous of your gift of expression!!! lol... seriously thou you are an inspiration to me and I am sure to many others. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself. I believe that is what will help you heal. Heather D
Fly little bird ;)
Jim, I've known you a long time but don't really know you. I know the little kid that you were in Alaska. Press on you are loved and cherished. Thank you for your writing. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
dude, I had no idea. I'm so sorry. I know you will be fine but, anything you may need just call. I've always got time for a friend that has given me so much of his onwn time.
OMG ! Where have you been all my life. I'll take the bad with all this good.
The hell for her has just begun. Move on my friend. You saw what love is out there for you tonight. You are a rock star who is LOVED BEYOND BELIIEF. We all love you and Durango loves you. You are surrounded by love. Let her go home where she blongs. We all love you. You showed calmness and grace beyond what anyone could imagine tonight. Carry on love.
Jim I"m sad ready the latest blog.I was there next to you when we were young riding in my bug as you drug your hair hanging out the window.I was there at the wedding.I'm still here if you need anything and you are a great person.Fly on !! Brian Nellen
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