To the readers, followers, fans, naysayers, and awed spectators to Jim’s plight, blog, and character. My name is Justin and Jim and I have known each other for about 8 years now. Jim was my guide on a trip I did way back then and I will never forget the admiration that I had for him and the guide service he worked for. My admiration and respect were such that I continued to hire the guide service for years to come. I eventually convinced my wife that these guys were not your typical guides and that she could actually excel and these guys were the most patient instructors I had ever known. Jim was a standout then as he is now. His patience, demeanor, and character just drew you in. I was amazed at the way he could communicate his point and how he truly cared about those on his rope. Sierra (my wife) finally came on a trip to the Wichita Mountains on a 2 day beginner’s course. We have been hooked ever since. I have stayed in touch with Jim over the years and we occasionally trade phone calls. I have followed his blog since he started it and have been absolutely shocked at its progression. The progression he has made, and the choices he makes are nothing short of astounding.
You may ask yourself “who is this guy and who cares”? Well, I am an attorney who practices family law and Sierra is a clinical psychiatrist. We are surrounded by this type of situation on a daily basis. Jim became a true friend over the years and we grew to respect this man and look up to him for his outdoor leadership, teaching methods, and passion for all in his life. We knew Jim before Keeley was born. We thought we knew a proud father then, and that was true, but after the addition of his daughter, Jim was overflowing with amazement and joy each night around the fire. He would talk about his kids and little else. He always missed them and would often drive back into town to call them, or to the top of Mt. Scott where he had reception. Unlike most doting fathers, Jim was ever overjoyed with the woman he shared his life with, not JUST the gift she gave him, but HER as well. Sierra and I were drawn to the sense of completeness he conveyed when he talked about his family. It was ALL THE TIME. The guy would spend all night telling you funny stories about his kids and telling you how amazing his wife was. He always spoke of her beauty and how he still tingled when she touched him. We all only hope for that kind of love in our lives.
When Sierra and I learned that Jim had moved to Colorado, and we’d not see him in the gym or on the rock anymore, we were sad but overjoyed that he finally threw caution to the wind and chased his dreams. Par for course for Jim. You see, Jim is unlike your average Joe. He dreams, much like the rest of us, but Jim dreams deeper, more passionately, and with a sense of purpose. He dreamed of a “ Life Up High” where he could show his children the wonders of the world. A life of adventure and mountain breezes. I imagine that Jim found that place and that he and Peg found that in each other. Now Sierra and I could analyze this situation to no end, but this is different. This is “Sherpa Jim”. The guy who always carried more than the guys next to him and who would always encourage you to push yourself to a level that you had never been to before. Jim did not just touch our lives, when he went on to manage a gym in Grapevine, Texas he continued to touch lives and draw in friends from all walks. Jim was the guy who would solo up next to the scared housewife, or conservative executive, on a climb and place no judgment upon him or her. He would simply place his hand on your back and tell you “look at me – you CAN do this just as you have accomplished everything else in your life”. That is a direct quote, spoken to me as I held on for dear life and just begged to come down. I will never forget those words or the hand on my back, or the fact that the crazy bastard had no rope. He cared not of his plight, only that a scared attorney at law could make it to the top. I often use that memory to push myself beyond what I think possible. I will not forget that climb or the gentle eyes that calmed all the demons inside. My wife had a similar experience with Jim and she too sits next to me as I write with tears in her eyes for the man with a heart bigger than any mountain he could face. A spirit as vast as the landscapes he has peered into.
Sierra and I contacted Jim when we realized his comments had disappeared from his blog. In our professions we are constantly surrounded by turmoil and we found it nice to come home and read his blog postings together. Two highly educated professionals who found a place to escape. We have spent the last few months making it a ritual to come home and look for new posts. When they were there, we’d pop open a bottle of our favorite red and just read. Then we’d go each night and read the feedback and be utterly astounded at what we read. Some of it was quite harsh at times, but it seemed justified. Here was this man who had his heart ripped out, stepped on, spat on, and thrown to the side, walking tall and coming back a better man. It was like watching an incredible boxing match where the underdog comes back to his feet and has that stare, that look of renewed life. That fight where the underdog comes back and lets his spirit fly. That is Jim my friends. What really floored us was the fact that he was still loving to his wife even when it seemed he was down for the count. This guy didn’t just call his blog “Life Up High” by accident, it is who he is. It is the soul that soars like an eagle. The Jim we know was just a precursor to what he is becoming. We exchanged many high fives over those bottles of wine. It was better than watching a movie. We each began to admire this man and genuinely wish that we could learn from him, like the moments we shared on a rope; here he was putting himself aside to be sure she was not belittled. Amazing are the words that we have said time and again.
We found ourselves drawn to his writing. We would spend our days counseling and arguing for people in this same situation. We have both been in practice for over 20 years each and NEVER have we seen someone handle this with so much class. Never have I seen a love so passionate, resolute, and true. Sierra actually asked a few of her patients to read Jim’s blog. Each one came back and discussed it with her and on every occasion the patient and doctor were crying. Jim touches those he isn’t even near and those he doesn’t even know. So all this being said; we were pretty alarmed when we noticed that his comments were gone. Why? Why would he do that? So we called and spent 3 hours on the phone with him this week, in one conversation I might add. Once again he was trying to protect the one that he has loved with all that he is. He and Sierra talked about the darkness that often consumes someone who is trying to justify their actions, and all Jim could do was take blame. I am here to tell you people that we don’t count Jim blameless. He is human and still young. We don’t “blame” anyone. We asked Jim if we could write a post for his blog to tell what we thought. He reluctantly agreed and asked that we not bash Peg (again stepping up). We respect his wish, but we also have to say that while we would not bash someone who we do not know, it is evident that this man has something exceptional within. His writing has touched so many. We encouraged him to seek a publisher, yet he says his energy needed to be spent “bringing light to his kids”. Tears fall from my eyes as I type that. I am just saddened that he would take away the voice of the people, the comments, for that is how we can all share what we feel and what he has done for us. I do not know if he will put them back up, but I encourage anyone reading this to continue to reach out to this family. To pray, if you pray. Pass on good will if that is what you do, but do not forget the things you have learned from this, and do not negate the person that he has become and the fact that you too can live this way. To those of you who push him to publish, stop asking him to do something about it and do it yourself. Write your local newspaper editor and point them to his blog. Write your favorite self help column and do the same. Magazines or whatever formats you can imagine his writing in. Send every friend you can to his blog. We have seen his “profile views” go from just over 100 to 400+ in 3 months. People are reading. Send your friends and send their friends. This man has a gift beyond writing. Jim is more than a climbing guide. He guides us through the process of forgiveness and love. His compassion will live well beyond his body. His spirit will always be there when I feel that fear while climbing. Jim- you are a good man and I wish my clients going through divorce could behave the way that you have. You said you were a “mess” and that your emotions were “all over the place”. Trust me my friend; you are handling yourself better than ANYONE I have seen in all of my years in practice. We have asked Jim to post this unedited. Keep writing, loving, caring, teaching, guiding, and forgiving. She may be gone Jim, but you are here to stay and many people benefit from you being on this earth.
All the best,
Justin & Sierra T.
Something we also love about your blog is how your pictures and/or titles always play into what you are writing. So why don't you pick a picture for this one buddy.
I love this- thank you Justin and Sierra!
Thank you, Justin and Sierra! I couldn't have said it better myself. Jim is extraordinary, both as a person and as a writer. I was heartsick when he told me he had removed the "comments" section of his blog, but I knew why he did it. He is a protector by nature, and a protector of his family first and foremost, so it did not surprise me that he would take a stand against the "bashers". But now I'm so happy it's back!
You wrote very eloquently about him. I laughed AND cried through the lot of it. Thank you for saying all the things about Jim that we, as his friends, would love to shout to the heavens (Although, I'm sure God is already aware of Jim...and reads his blog.) He's an amazing father, writer, climber, listener, comic, philosopher, teacher and friend.
You were always such a magical person growing up. So full of love and life. Always looking out for those who were down and out. I have always remembered something about you and it really seems interesting now. We had to do a little round about in class one time and talk about our favorite cartoon character and why we liked that particular one. I remember that you picked Popeye and what you said. I still remember you standing up in front of the class and talking about how you liked him because he had tattoos, was buff, and because he always stood up for Olive Oil. That is so you. You stand by your wife and you help her through this like you always did those who were down. You also remember that you were most drawn to Popeye because of the words he lived by - "I am what I am". You take care of yourself and your family, this includes your wife.
Well said. I am proud to know him and I am even more proud to see him love a woman through all of this. Jim, whether the love is reciprocated or not at this point, you are doing right and you are letting every ounce of love you have in your heart flow out into this world. If she does not receive it with a kind heart, then she will at least remember you for your deeds and actions through this mess. Keep you head up. She is lost too and needs a person like you to be there for her. DO NOT turn your back on her. I know you said you are there and "need" to, but you are wrong. Neither of you are perfect and shared in the makings of this. You are man enough to take some of that blame from her when maybe you shouldn't, and you are a friend enough to be there for her when she still hurts you. I bet she'd do the same for you if the shoe were on the other foot. Give her time Jim. Time to let her head stop spinning. Then maybe you two can sit down and look into the eyes of one another and see what you see.
Jim was a guide on a trip I did with Summit Adventures, and I concur with what is said here. Looks like you have handled this gracefully Jim. Good that you can admit to your mistakes and it is only sad that you cannot rely on her to see her own faults, yours, and talk through this hell.
Shine on Meyer. Love you brother. Keep walking forward and be the man you are now, not the one from before.
I am one of “their” friends. We will call them “HIM” and “HER”, and I want to start by thanking you for not naming them on your blog. She is going through hell too and will for a long time. I have to say that I don’t know you and I am sure like any marriage you did some things wrong and had faults, but you seem like you are handling this better than anyone I have known who has gone through this. You seem like you are changing into a better person because of this. I got wind of your blog and have been reading it. Interesting writing. Very nice and fun to read, even when it hits so close to home. I find myself being heartbroken at times, laughing at times, and wanting to cry because I know half of the parties involved. Let’s just be real about this Jim, you seem to be trying to be a good man when all the odds are against you. I don’t know you at all, but this seems to be what you are good at. Writing and fighting. I want to be completely honest here, your wife made contact with him AGAIN after she should have NEVER even looked at him again. They were working hard to build back a relationship and trust and YOUR WIFE took that from them AGAIN. Their children are what should have been in her mind all along. They have been through this before. Your wife WAS NOT the first and you know this, as do those on this side of the fence, at least those close to those on this side. It struck me as something that these two didn’t think of when I read the comments about this being a small town. Not only are your friends aware of what happened, but so are all of their friends. Those that don’t know soon will. I dread the day I see your wife walking down the street too. I won’t know to scream at her or just cry. I am disgusted with her. Not once, but twice she brought this family to their knees. You keep defending her but she keeps doing these things. I don’t care WHY SHE CONTACTED him again; it was horrible that she did so. I know that he says he is sorry and messed up, but he saw that open window after she contacted him and turned around and did the same. They are shameful people and have disgraced all that WAS good about themselves and their families are left in the “ashes”.
I felt compelled to write so that you knew that others, whom you wouldn’t expect, read your blog too. I respect the way you have handled this. I can’t say that I agree with you defending her. This family (on this side) is destroyed and the two of them (him and your wife) did this. No matter how bad their lives were, they should have talked to their spouse’s about that. It is funny how they came together and told one another everything the other wanted to hear. How bad their home lives were. I know he believe (d) in God and I know they both think they can just keep hurting then repent and all is good. I believe God is great and forgives those who ask it sincerely. These two just keep doing more damage and hurting others. God does not just roll out a red carpet for people like this. This I believe. He will ultimately forgive them if they ask, but they first must ask those who they have hurt to forgive them with all the sincerity they can muster. Then, I believe, they are destined to pay for their mistakes. I believe that God will take care of all involved, but he will not pave a road of gold for these two. They have not only hurt people, but they have hurt innocent children and they have not learned from their mistakes. They are destined to live a life of hardship and eternal pain for their doings. I am happy that you can forgive them because not many out there will. God will forgive them someday, but until then they can live in the shame and hell they created.
You take care Jim. Keep writing and respecting that other family, well at least her and the kids. Keep digging and figuring out what you can change about you.
Much respect.
To the previous poster. WOW! Interesting perspective. Jim keeps forgiving and trying because of who he is. Read the blog above. He forgives because he loves. He has seen his errors and COMMITS to not make them again. Good post and thanks for this one. I want you to take me climbing Jim.
Makes me want to go climbing with this guy. Don't know you, your family, or anything else. You seem to have some good qualities and a good head about you. Really enjoy your writing.
I know this must all be so exhausting for you and there have been lots of opinions and views from all sides and everyone makes good points. Bottom line is....... this is about you and your kids and none of us know what is going to happen. You have lots of support either way. We do know you are learning and growing and your kids are going to benefit from the way you are handling your situation. Ultimately, its the kids on both sides that need everyones prayers. Hopefully others can learn from you too!! You even make me want to go climbing! Continue being who you are. I love the post about your favorite cartoon character! Every girl wants a Popeye! And the blog was great as well. I am glad you are in my life AGAIN :)
Love you friend!!!!
To “their” friend,
I don’t know how to reply, but thanks for writing and not calling names. I AM human and I have my limits. I did forgive the two of them because that is what my beliefs and who I am NOW dictated I do. The old adage of “Fool me once shame on you – fool me twice shame on me” keeps coming to mind. I will continue to love “my wife” until that falls from my heart. I will defend her and honor her because those are the vows I took and it is now ( more than ever ) clear what it means and feels like to have those vows trampled. I did forgive him and it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. To speak to him on the phone and utter those words and try and lift him up was so incredibly hard, yet such a big release. That being said, I will not do that again. Not that I can see. I just hope he has the sense to pray hard and stay on the other side of the road. Even my kindness and forgiveness have their limits. With him, I am beyond that point. Thanks again for writing and being somewhat respectful.
Sounds like you got big by the climbing bug in large part thanks to this guy. Climbing will change your life. Jim knew/knows that and his love for climbing seems to be back after a short hiatus. Thanks for the beautiful post. I couldn't have expressed it better myself.
It's about time you quit being so damn nice Jim. I hope he is smart enough to walk on the other side of town!
I got the chills when i read what "their" friend said and seriously you took the words right out of my mouth, everything i was thinking and feeling he or she has said. Great job friend !!! Jim love you and respect you forever !!!
Oh and thank the good Lord above you changed your mind and you let us read what others have posted as comments. EVERYONE needs to hear them wheather they are bad or good.You are one strong man and you are every definition of what a man should be.
Sorry i have one more post, i didn't read all of your reply back to the "friend" you have touched my heart with what you said and i cant stop getting the tears out of my eyes "I will continue to love “my wife” until that falls from my heart." WOW i'm spechless !!!
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. ~Steven Kloves, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (movie)
Good one. Here is one I like:
Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. ~Winston Churchill
Hey Jim,
It has to be incredibly difficult to maintain the positive attitude that you are. I commend you for such. It was hard talking to you yesterday and hearing the pain in your voice. You are, like you said, at a crossroad. The one that you talked about taking is going to give you freedom from this insanity. I listened to you as you picked yourself to death about all that you did wrong. Bottom line Jim - you did not give up and WALK OFF into the sunset with another married person. You have moved forward and I think ( like you said) your next step will be the acceptance that you admit you have done wrong, but you have changed those things in your heart, found a higher power, and you are doing the best that you can and that is better than most of us could. We thank you for sharing your journey and I personally am excited with the crossroad you have reached. Take your time and follow your heart. I don't care her side of the story, as many I am sure don't, the actions speak louder than words.
How do you have so much love and patience Jim? She must have touched you very deeply. I wish you the best and I am glad to see you becoming who you are. She has a piece of your heart and you need to get it back and save it or nourish that and love her the best you can and see what happens. I have known you long enough to see you stumble and to see the two of you go through some bad times, but this takes the cake. I hope you guys can find each other again, but if not then you keep on with what you are doing and the people you are surrounding yourself with.
Thanks so much for sharing this. Jim is an amazing teacher when it comes to the outdoors and it sounds like his kids will (and have) benefited from that. I just hope you continue to recognize the past and what went wrong. Only when you accept your faults (as you seem to have done) can you change those things that you can and then accept those you can't but not dwell on those and move forward in you journey.
All the best.
"Keep going Jim!!! You are doing great and I am very happy for you. You always have a friend here in SoCal who is pulling for you . Your blogs are amazing!!!!"
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