In these hands I have held the world; my world. These hands are rough and calloused, but my heart is tender and real. I have held both of my children so close with these hands. Wiped away the tears filled with fear, again and again. Lifted their little hearts from the ground. I have worked these hands, and my heart, to the point where the indelible wounds are plain to see. I have planted seeds with these hands, and reaped the harvest of life. I have caressed the skin of an angel with these hands. I have also touched the face of the devil with those same hands. I have used these tired, worn hands to push back the pain, and when necessary, to dish out more pain than is necessary. I have bloodied these hands in battle, and washed them in a river of forgiveness. I have held these hands out for a feast of hope, only to receive a mere morsel. Can I sustain myself with such a mere morsel? Can I feed five thousand with that? I will serve others with that hope before I serve myself. Isn’t that what we are to do? These hands will lift up those fallen, when I have that ability, until I have fallen for the last time.
In these hands I have held those who are sick, scared, and in a fight for their lives. I have reached into a mangled car and held a crying child, bloodied and scared, then reached in and held the hand of her mother. I have fought fire with these hands, and fought fires in my soul with these hands. I have bandaged the bloody, and held the weary. These hands have scaled countless peaks and reached the summit of my dreams, time and again. I have used these hands to throw the ball back and forth between a father and son. I have held a crying daughter and rocked her to sleep. I have built a life with these hands. The foundation as solid as any out there. I have cherished with these hands and worshiped with these hands. I have built this life with these hands. I have crawled on these hands, and fallen on these hands.
I have held the love of my life in these hands, cherished each embrace. I have wiped away the tears of joy, hurt, and anger, running down her face. I have held her in these hands and cried with her, laughed with her, and held her just for the sake of doing so. I have reached across the tent on a cool moonlit night, and touched her soft hair. In these hands I have held the heart of an angel, and held it close to mine. In these hands I have moved far away and created a life of happiness and joy. A life of adventure and spirit. I have used these hands to both cause immense pain in my enemies, and immense joy in those I love. I have held onto the rock of life with these hands. Scaled walls which seemed insurmountable.
All the wear and weariness on these hands has lead me to where I am. To a place of “insurmountable walls” built around the heart of the one true love that God gave me. Incapable of tearing down the walls built by anger, hate, and unforgiveness, with bitterness as mortar. Incapable of pushing off, casting away when my strength wanes and I should be preserving who I am. These hands don’t know how to quit, nor does my soul. Yet I find these hands growing more and more weary. Tired from the fight. Bruised like my heart, bloodied knuckles. These hands are unable to hold what I love. Unable to embrace what was at one time magnificent and real. These hands are constantly held together in prayer, praying for peace. The pain pouring from my heart cannot be held back with these hands. Like a damn cracked and failing, bursting at the seams, unable to hold what is inside. These hands cannot hold the pain or keep it from pouring out. The hands that are used to fight the battles of my life are suddenly sunken and hanging by my side. Defeat is evident, yet my will to fight is still in there somewhere. The hands that have punched and delivered pain in the past, now strum the strings on an instrument that brings me peace..if only for a brief moment. These hands have worked a lifetime to build the world I envisioned. I have tried to hold it all together, plug the leaks, but the leaks are many and my fingers are few. The muscles in my hands, in my heart, and in my soul grow weak. I look to the sky and ask “why”? I beg for mercy, relief from the pain. This pain is inhumane and insurmountable, yet I cannot use these hands to push away. To turn and walk off into the sunrise of a better tomorrow. These hands know only how to hold on. I pray that God will give me the strength to push off and set sail into tomorrow. To let go of that which continually hurts me. To release me from that which does not want me. I clasp these hands together and ask that guidance be delivered. Use these hands to make someone out there better. To help! These are helping hands and that is all I know.
Man Jim. Just when you think it can't get better you do it again. Unreal my friend. That is about as honest and real as it comes.
WOW! Stunning. Keep fighting, it is absolutely who you are.
I cannot believe that your "WIFE" (word loosely used), can just abandon her kids. I know she is still "with them" in the physical sense, just not there emotionally.
You need to stay on top of them and let them know everyday that they are loved and there is an end to all the pain, it just takes time. I come from a broken family and know just how difficult it is to have a crazy woman around your kids and knowing that you are almost powerless to protect them from it all. DO NOT LET HER RUIN THEM JIM! Fight the good fight!
Mickey Committee
I hope you read this PEG!!!!!!!!!
Thanks man. It's interesting how many scars are embedded in our hands from so many places we have ventured in our lives. Good stuff man. Hang tough. You are right. Your hands are of man and they fail. Jesus said we are in the Father's hands and NO ONE can separate us from them. The love of Christ can NOT be broken, not by men, not by angels, Love NEVER fails. I'm always praying for a miraculous recovery!
Brother in Arms,
No B comments...don't go there.
Seriously - those names are not cool. If you dare leave them, leave your name so I know who it is that I hunt !!! No matter what happens or what I feel or share with you all - name calling is just dumb. You can say it all but use a little grace. And don't bash my friends and their beliefs. Come on !
Amazing Jim. I do not know how you can continue, but you do. Keep digging for that strength. I'm with the guy above, keep letting your kids know that it is alright and you are there for them. You two have no idea of what this will do to them. You have to be their guiding light.
In those hands we all see strength, courage, honor, and humility. You are amazing.
Bill K
Ok....10:34am....Jim has said it before...and now I will say it (WITH my named signed)...quit bashing Peg! Is any of this fair to Jim, no, but it is ultimately between the two of them and he needs positive support in his journey. He's asked everyone to be respectful of her and if we are all true friends, that is what we will be.
Jim, beautiful words once again. You and your writing are true gifts and I'm grateful our paths crossed on FB.
Have you ever thought about writing music?
Well said Michelle! Jim does need positive support here. Peg shares his life and he loves her. No matter what happens they both need support through this for those kids!
Beautiful writing Jim. Again I am so sorry your family is going through this!
Holy crap. Nourishment for my soul. You are insanely good at this.
You are right Sheri, but we are here for Jim. I agree though. Don't bash her, it will only make him feel bad about his writing. Mickey said it nicely and that was enough. Support Jim and see the true colors as they shine through. She has her own demons to battle and she obviously has some huge one's.
Oh man that choked me up. I love you brother. Your strength inspires.
Allow all of the hands out here to lift you up my friend. You are just an inspiration. You need to be on a book tour or speaking to the world about love and loss.
JBM-Your words gave me goosebumps. As I read them I was taken back in time to my childhood and the memory of my own father. You made me remember his rough, calloused, life-hardened hands. They may have been work worn, but those hands, when they held me, made me feel more safe and more loved than I have ever been since. That's when I started to cry. I imagine the things you wrote were true for him, too. He was a good man who loved his girls (Mom and I) fiercely, the way I know you love Kai and Kealey.
Your kids may still be young, but inevitably they will remember the man you are, your character and your goodness. They will remember the way you comforted them, the feeling of safety you provided and the love for them you just couldn't contain. I know this because it's what I remember about my father. We humans make an impression on our children that sometimes we're not even aware of. But these good things that you provide will leave their own indelible marks, and will help to shape those precious children into loving and compassionate adults.
You're definitely on the right track. You know what's important and good. You acknowledge the pain and darkness while continuing to forge ahead into the light. Your kids will learn from this and be empowered by it. Goodness and mercy are usually only achieved after carrying your own burden. We live and we learn. It's what makes life hard, but it also makes us appreciate it that much more.
These writings have made an impression on all of us, and we carry you in our hearts. Your words and your strength have left their own indelible marks, and as your friends we wear them proudly. Keep living. Keep learning. Keep loving.
I cant have people thinking I am Soft, so I must offend now!
So Jim I must Say
25 years is a long time to know someone and I think it when you come out to visit the swells and breaks will bring it all into focus...
Keep on Keepin on and Rock out with your Cock out my Friend!
Mickey Committee
If I could tell the world just one thing
It would be, we're all okay
And not to worry
'Cause worry is wasteful and useless
In times like these
I won't be made useless
Won't be idle with despair
I will gather myself around my faith
For light does the darkness most fear
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
and I am never broken
Poverty stole your golden shoes
But it didn't steal your laughter
And heartache came to visit me
But I knew it wasn't ever after
We'll fight, not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
'Cause where there's a man who has no voice
There ours shall go singing
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
and I am never broken
In the end only kindness matters
In the end only kindness matters
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
and I am never broken
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
and I am never broken
We are never broken
We are God's eyes
God's hands
God's heart
We are God's eyes
God's hands
God's heart
We are God's eyes
God's hands
God's eyes
We are God's hands
FYI-Those are the lyrics to the Jewel song "Hands".
"Your writing is seriosly on point. The subject matter is moving and relevent to all. If your brawling skillz are anywhere near your writing skills you are a serious handful! Keep it up brother man, many people got your back! Remember Kids first, you second, and everything else fourth! Keep third for emergencies."
25 years and we are still who we always were. That is enough for me. The waves will carry me into the next part of this journey. I can't wait to see you and the fam. I feel a little midnight session coming on. Ken you in?
Jim and Mick,
You two are like the movie dumb and dumber, only funnier. It doesn't surprise me that you two are there to kick ass for one another. Been there before!
You are absolutely astounding. If only the rest of us could show the grace you have. I don't know how you do it man. After all you take, you stand there and be the real man that most dream of being. Kudos to you my brother. Not surprising though. I don't know who it is that she thinks you are. She can hide behind all the BS and run from what married life is like, but we know you and see you. We all have our faults, it's seeing beyond those to all the good that matters in this life. Her misery and pain will never cease. This is too late in life for BS like this. You will fly again my friend. Sorry to see her ( another human being ) stoop so low and act so damn insane, but you get what you give.
/greɪs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [greys] Show IPA noun, verb, graced, grac⋅ing.
1. elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action.
2. a pleasing or attractive quality or endowment.
3. favor or good will.
4. a manifestation of favor, esp. by a superior: It was only through the dean's grace that I wasn't expelled from school.
5. mercy; clemency; pardon: an act of grace.
6. favor shown in granting a delay or temporary immunity.
7. Jim Meyer after being devastated to the point of unforgivenss, and then finding the courage to be a better man. To lift up his friends and all those he can possibly touch.
You are AMAZING !!!FIRST I NEED A CUP OF COFFEE NOW. second, I was in tears reading you giving the hint of who this "mysterious" woman is,and how you talk about her just makes my heart melt, and then I started busting up about the "GAYNESS" comment.I am a total wreak right now.I'm still not sure what has happened between you both but sounds like she has another man.PEG HAS REALLY MESSED THINGS UP. SHE REALLY DOESN'T UNDERSTAND OR REALIZE WHAT SHE HAD AT HOME !!!! WOW, what a horrible lesson for her to learn. But back to the story,LOVE IT and i hope you got some !!!!
Thanks Heather. I am far from perfect but I work harder at it everyday. This has changed me in so many ways and continues to do so. Some people just see all the bad around them and not any good. That is the bottom line. I don't make myself out to be perfect. I have made mistakes..I have fallen and failed, but I get my butt right back up. This may be the one where I stay down and admit defeat. The coffee is still good and I still think about those few days every time I make a cup. The pain is immense but the person I have become is worth it. I LOVE that woman with all that I am and I will stand by her side in way way or another until I draw my last breath. I am ever the hopeless romantic and my faith pushes me forward. How much longer I can take all that? Who knows, but today is a new day and I actually slept for a period last night. The nightmares are still there and when I wake in the morning, I am still alone.
My faith tells me to stand by her until the end, but my strength has its limits. I replenish that strength somehow and try and lift her up when she is down. I cannot fix what was done, but I can fix what I can fix today, even if it is just to lift her spirits and tell her she is still human and there is still good in her. That takes a lot to do and takes a piece of me forever..but I give it freely and willingly. The horror and pain will last the rest of my life. I am 36 years old and had truly looked FORWARD to growing old with my best friend. Those wishes are gone as is the best years of my life. I will not put my head down and sulk, only walk on into that sunrise. All the while I will have a piece of my heart in her hands and one eye on her to be sure she is okay. I love all of you on here. It has been the best medicine. I just need everyone to know that I read every word on here again, and again, and again. Especially when feeling down. You lift me up and give me wings.
From a husband AND wife:
Your heart is absolutely amazing and I see you doing great things with what is in there and with your writing. I want you to know that we read your blog and just sit and talk afterwards. Talk about us and how tough marriage can be and how grateful we are to have a friend like you who can still lift people up even when he is on his knees and broken beyond what is comprehensible. We were talking about your last comment about us giving YOU wings; my friend, you are the giver of wings. You are the angel. You have been given a gift that goes beyond writing. Your writing is just the faucet that your heart pours through. It is what is inside that is amazing and your ability to still care about this woman even when it takes days away from your precious life each and every time that you do. You still sacrifice for her when almost ANYONE would be running and preserving themselves. You told us once that she never saw any of the sacrifices you made in life. You said that she said you were selfish! Jim, no one is perfect and we all know that. Marriage is immense work but the rewards are amazing. You didn’t do this Jim. You guys could have fixed all those “little” things. We all fix them constantly. Stop blaming yourself and realize that you taking so much blame isn’t a healthy way to help yourself OR HER. She needs to live with what was done, not just the “act” but the fact that she let it happen and was consumed by evil for quite some time. She lived in a world that wasn’t “perfect” and fairytale enough. She took the best years of your life and spit in your face. Now you are the man that you are, for yourself, for Kai and Kealey, and for the rest of us. You inspire us all not only with your words, but your actions. WE ALL KNOW YOU AREN’T PERFECT. Most of us have really gotten to know you and sure we see faults, but there is GREATNESS in there. She loses Jim. She truly does. At your age (and hers) the rest of your lives are tough to be starting over and it’s a shame she can’t see the insanity and get help and see the good in you, but who cares? You are going to spend the rest of your life (if you live the average life that is 35 more years) spreading love and helping others. At this point in your life you are facing some immeasurable challenges and this is also the point in life where most married people really start to become grounded and work towards retirement and the FUTURE. Your future is not over. You just have to redefine it and work towards it. You can’t keep pulling her away from the evil and hell that await her. Tami and I were just talking about an image I have of you standing on a cliff, the cliff to hell, your wings tucked back and you on one knee, pulling a hand from the abyss. Straining with all of your might and spirit. A flame licking the feet of that being that is falling. Your feet dug into the dirt, pulling. Guess who that is? You know, sometimes you just have to let go Jim. You didn’t push her over that cliff. You can hold onto her and try and pull her to her feet, but if she is unwilling to fight and pull herself up over that edge, then you only stand to go with her. By the way, you know my paintings and I think I just might paint that one and put it in the gallery. Next time you come by, you may see the Angel Fighting the Fall.
Take care Jim – we love you.
The Hanfields
PS – Coffee will never be the same in this kitchen. Thank you for that.
Hands in prayer are stronger than hands in fists. You have a beautiful soul Jim. Your writing is very inspiring and I love you for that. I will continue to lift up in prayer.
I love your tattoo!!!! Beautiful meaning!!!!! xoxoxoxo
I know you and Peg as well, if not better than most, you both are "human" and have made mistakes. You are man enough to forgive her and keep sticking by her. Don't stop doing that. For those of you on here BASHING her in any way shape or form - YOU ARE MAKING JIM'S LIFE HARDER. He wants to be this new man but pulling him backwards doesn't help him. To "L-O-V-E" Jim is to love his wife too. Give her some support too. Jim - you keep looking forward and straight into those eyes of hers, she needs a man like you whether you are her husband or best friend right now.
Anything is possible with HIM. But it's not in our time... it's His. I know that you still love her so much jimmy. And guess what... you always will. She is the mother of your children and you are forever connected. No one is perfect and I know that you get that. Forgiveness is the best thing that you can do... for yourself, as an example to your kiddies, and of course for her. Unfortunately, I bet she will be the last to forgive herself... as we usually are.
It is cool how your writings have inspired so many. I truley believe that everything in this life happens for a reason.
One reason that I can already see was that you became broken enough to accept the fact that you cannot (and should not) do this on your own. Secondly, it has inspired such fantastic writings, which I could totally see being put into some kind of column or book of insights or something. Anyone got a hook up for Jimmy?
I am proud of you. After our talk the other week... I was happy to find that you are not the same whiney little guy you used to be in jr high (remember all of those late night phone calls to me and JB?) I don't mean to be insensitive, I don't even remember what it was about... I just remember it was the same old song... over and over. You were not satisfied. You were not happy. Somewhere along the way you grew to accept the things you cannot change and to see the sunnier side of things... the "what can I do, what choices can I make, to make this a better situation?". For that I am very proud of you, and I pray for you and the kids and Peg, because I know that this is the hardest, lonliest place you have ever been. I am thankful that you have found some great, positive people to sutrround yourself in your idle time, as that could be so much worse. God is blessing you, Jimbo. MLCG
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