The rage that lies deep within me is not something that I am a stranger to, nor something I talk much about or am proud of. It was a crutch in my youth to aid my walk through life with all the turmoil that surrounded me. It is a rage that has laid in waiting, suppressed, deep seated and unequivocal to any anger or rage that would be considered normal in this day and age. To help me through that rage, and to help me understand it, I began to get help (all in my youth) in the form of anger management, counseling, and by way of the justice system; in the form of kickboxing. Rage is something we all live with, be it road rage, parking lot rage, joggers rage, or rage at the pickle jar that we can’t get into. We all deal with that rage in different ways. My rage has remained dormant for so many years. Remember that I said it was something that I dealt with in my youth and had suppressed and moved away from. Through the process, I acquired new tools to deal with it. I learned that you could be productive in the way you used your fists. You could step into a ring and do it right! You could step into a ring where your opponent was willing and able to give you back what you dished out, ounce for ounce, blow for blow. I found peace through my fists, feet, elbows, and knees.
As the months turned to weeks, then years, I faced those demons less and less. I had all but forgotten they were there. When my life was turned upside down on April 15th of this year those demons still remained deep inside, replaced by an unexplainable sadness and sense of loss. I couldn’t put my gloves on and step into a ring to fight back. I could not slowly stock my enemy and wear him down, methodically taking away the steam that pushed him forward. Each kick, each punch, each elbow, slowly chipping away at the incoming rage from the opponent. Chin low, hands up, constantly moving to avoid the next onslaught of blows. A strange sense of calmness and familiarity washes over your body as you step into a fight in the ring. A grounded sensation touches your soul and you see the work that lies ahead as you assess who is standing there in front of you. All the sounds around you slowly fade away and you feel the rampage begin to surface from deep below. You know that the rage will slowly take control and that is the way it is to be. That is the way of the warrior. Hold the rage until you need it, then release it, but always remain in control of it. Know when to let it fly and know that you must reinforce it with critical thinking and decisiveness. All of this was absent on that night when my life changed. I had no tools, nothing to fight back with, what was taken was done behind closed doors…out of the ring, cowardly and callous. At that point there was no opponent that I knew of other than myself. I stood there defeated. Unable to face my opponent. Unable to take my life’s training and utilize it to my benefit. At that time, the only opponent I had was the truth. Like my aforementioned demons, this opponent would prove to be resilient, deceiving, and hiding in the shadows, yet I had to do what I knew best – fight!
Today, six weeks later I step from that ring with my head held high. My arms by my side, shoulders slumped from the tireless fight, but my heart risen in victory. Victory in knowing that the truth truly will set you free. The victory of TRULY forgiving and once again releasing that rage. The fight has not been an easy one. I was unfortunate enough to run into (recently) the enemy that hid in the shadows. I had since forgiven all, but that deep seated rage came to the surface like a volcano erupting, bursting with energy ready to surface and erupt into the world. Suddenly I was tossed back into a ring that I had stayed away from for so long. The real ring, the real thing! The one where people can be hurt and lives can be changed forever. Not unlike the ring I battled in for the past 6 weeks, yet more real, tangible, and dangerous. I snapped and the tunnel vision slowly drew closer. I fought the feelings, I paced to and fro, and I tried to shake it off. Nothing worked. I wanted this bout. I deserved this bout. Regardless of forgiveness, justification was evident. Those around me were seeing something, someone, they had never seen. Many were in tears, some were scared, some just wanted to leave, yet they all stayed. They stayed in my corner and they tried to hold those demons down. Like a drug coursing through my veins, the rampage was there, pulsating and working its way to the surface. I began to shut down and focus. Stare at my opponent, methodically plan, slow my breathing, clenched fists and feet tamping..ready to fly. Nothing was working. No one was stopping this. Words were being spoken, yet I did not hear, hugs being given, but I did not feel. All I felt was my world, my fight.
Then I walked out. I’m not sure if it was a momentary return to reason, something someone said, or if someone dragged me out, but I left. Did I feel release? No way. More anger! I wanted back in the ring. Back at it. I wanted the warriors way! I deserved this “chance”. So we continued on down the street, me in my rage, my friends in their daze. No street light, no siren, no rumbling Harley could take my focus from my intended task. Then it happened – I was carrying something for someone I had yet the privilege of getting to know, and when we got to her car, she just wrapped her arms around me and it all came crashing down. All my defenses, all the surging anger, all the weeks of turmoil and angst. The mountain of rage below me slowly came crashing down, cascading down like a sudden avalanche. My pulse slowed, my muscles relaxed, and my tachycardic heart returned to a place of balance. I HAVE NEVER felt such a release. Few words exchanged, just a gentle touch and an overwhelming sense of goodness. Through our tears, through the darkness of the night, I looked into the eyes of an angel. Blue as the sky after a storm. Gentle, caring, and overwhelmingly peaceful. My world was coming back. The tunnel was slowly pulling back. The heat radiating from within, through my skin, was gone; I could feel the cool night’s air. I felt uplifted, free of rage, free of anger. Lifted and comforted in the arms of a blue eyed angel. One in whom I will always feel indebted and comforted.
After any good fight a true and noble warrior will thank those who made the battle possible. I would not be here writing this had it not been for the following people, and so many more that I am sure I will forget to mention, instead I would likely be locked in a cage for quite some time: Julie who has been my comrade in arms through this journey and who continually encourages me: Neil and Linda who have opened their hearts and doors for me: Neil who stood there like a warrior in his own right to prevent, as best he could, what was to come: Erick and Molly who also have opened their hearts and home to me and who saw a little bit of El Diablo that night: Leah, you are just too darn easy to talk too. The Oakies: welcome to Durango huh?! Sean, your words on the walk back and on the deck were a true testament to your character: Ash, you came to the rescue when the rescue was needed and I will forever be grateful. To your friend you brought with you….you obviously understood where I was at and what I needed to do: To the Angel of Calmness and Peace: there just aren’t words. You know who you are and I won’t name you here for fear that you “won’t talk to me for a week”. You exude a sense of peace that draws people to you and brings comfort to those in turmoil. Our talks since have reassured me that I wasn’t imagining things that evening. When you wrapped your arms around me and cried with me…I knew I felt wings on your shoulders. Last but not least: to J & S – my forgiveness is genuine and utterly unabashed. I will not apologize for what happened. It is what it is. I am happy that you two have the chance to find happiness again and I truly wish you the best. I hope that we can one day walk by one another and smile and hold out a hand in mutual respect. All my best to you.

Jim - you continually amaze me with your writing and the fact that you are becoming such a good man through all of this. You inspire us all.
JBM-When we met all those years ago I knew you were special. Your ability to communicate so eloquently has never ceased to amaze me, from simple letters to expressive poems to, yes I'll say it, your fists. I myself have been saved by you on more than one occasion. You've kept me intrigued from across the ocean and across the phone lines.
It's interesting how we've reconnected this time around after having both been through something similar. I want you to know that while reading your therapeutic words I have done a little healing myself. Please understand that you're not alone and that the support system you need is all around you, giving you strength. You're one of the ones who "fights the good fight", and there aren't many men like you left. I want you to know that I'm grateful for you, as are all of your wonderful friends. Please keep writing. It does us all some good...
Is nice to see that even though you are hurting now you still have a real sense of gratitude. Having a great support group must help and I am so glad that you have so many great people in your corner. That def helps!! Forgivness will help you and your children heal. BRAVO Jim...I am proud of YOU!!!
Mr. Meyer,
I am friends with your friend Jen. I know you two have talked about me. I am a publisher and have been my whole life. You need to wake up and realize the gift you have. You have my number in an email. You could take all this to print whether it be for articles, self help, books, etc.
JD Alder
Hang in there, as one friend told me recently, there are three things that will help:
What about the bunny rabbits????
It sounds as though things are starting to look up a little bit. I have found that once the worst has passed, things can only get better from there.
WOW Jim your amazing !!!! I love reading what you write and make me feel like i'm right there in the moment with you. Sounds like things are getting better and like she may be realizing what she has let go.I pray only the best for you and your family, you deserve another chance !!!
WOW look at Mr. Alders comment !!!! AWESOME, YEAH JIM WAKE UP AND START A BOOK :) !!!
I was telling a friend of mine recently that I believe that in order for me to learn and move forward there is work that I must do - that no one else can do for me. It can be difficult for me to ask for help or support sometimes because I think that I should be strong enough -dammit!
She told about this story from the Bible - now I don't read the Bible actively, and I have read some, but I don't recall this story or verse, if you will. A man is praying to God for himself and his loved ones, and his arms become weak from holding them in prayer. Two friends come along, and support each of his arms on either side - until he can pray on his own again.
Nearly brought me to tears. I am constantly in awe of how God is removing, slowly, my belief that I am solitary when I suffer - asking for support has been like picking up a 500lb telephone receiver. For me, finding others (or even one person) going through struggles similar to mine help me to feel less alone. Striking at the heart of loneliness is also being at a place in my life where I know I have friends which support my intentions to move past these fears, by going through them. That's huge for me.
So, thank you for the acknowledgment that I can help hold your arms up, as you hold mine up.
Exodus 17:10-13...
Wow. Yet again another master piece. I remember watching you throw blows all those years ago. YIKES! Glad you walked away. Your new tattoo says it all. Live by those words. You are leaps and bounds above so many other people who have been through this. Keep on that path and you will continue to grow. Forget about her. You have obviously seen that God has better in store for you.
Well Jim, that was amazing! Everyone posting comments expresses my same exact thoughts. You are a wonderful person and great friend. I'm glad we reconnected! I wish you were closer. You are lucky to have such great friends there and they are just as lucky to have you... Be thankful for them :) Thanks for being there for me as well! You know I wish you the best and I know better things are waiting for you!
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned." I am not wise enough to have such realizations but someone was!
Bro - give NOTHING more of yourself to her.
Jim You need to keep writing because as already mentioned it is therapy for you and your freinds that care about you.It takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight.I wish we lived closer but it sounds like Durango is your Home and you will be just fine.I pray for you and the kids and Peg too.I hope that you know I'm here for you whatever you need!
I don’t know who this “Angel” is but I truly believe she is just what you say. I have known you for so long and I (like Amy) have had you “knuckle up” to defend me and/or my honor. You have always been such a good person. People have always been drawn to you and I am shocked that you are going through this. Some people only see what is bad in others. I know we have talked and you have said that you are to blame too, but you didn’t do what she did. You have been INDRECIBLY honest with so many of us, as I am sure you have with everyone, but we are all grown up people and it is obvious where the fault lies. No one calls you perfect, yet we all know that big old heart and the gentle soul that lies above that rage. I know you are finding your legs again and will walk away proud, strong, and with so many behind you. As far as this Angel goes – if we could all talk to her we would wrap our arms around her as well. The angel that you found is someone you need to hold onto for the rest of your life. It seems like you have found a connection to someone, be it as a friend or as more, that could potentially be someone who could be there for the rest of your life. Write about her and people like her more often. Find more friends like that. Your next love will be like that: appreciative and non judgmental. She is lucky to know the Jim that we have all known for so many years. You will impact her in some way as well. Be strong Jim and keep moving forward. Don’t look back and continue down the path you have chosen.
"What's up, man? Some deep writing there. I have those rage issues too! They are hard to reign in during tough times. Glad to see ya have plenty of outlets and caring shoulders around. Keep thay positive attitude and all will work out. I'm trying to do the same in regards to finding a job. But take care and if you come down this way ya gotta give me a call."
Eric Kilby
Speak life to those who cross your path. The power of words....it is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times.
Special is the individual who will take the time to encourage another.
Be special to others.
You have been so special lately, when I was feeling to much bs to get through the rest of my life, you all the sudden were in mine, more and stronger than any life long friend. You get it, you get me, you know that anger and hurt. Thank you for being you.
I had no idea. Sorry to hear about your situation. I must say your writing is moving. I'll call you soon and hopefully we can iron out some details about my upcoming visit to Durango.
Wow. Your writing is incredible. I felt like I was there watching the whole thing. My heart was racing!!
We all have demons to face, it takes such a strong person to admit them (especially to all of us), confront them and learn how to deal with them.
Though I am sure you are justified to get out this anger and rage and saddness and disappointment and heartbreak, you seemed to have recongnized that that would have only been a temporary solution.
I cannot believe it has been 6 weeks. Through your writing, you have come so far. I am proud of you and your optimism and maturity.
I LOVE your blue eyed angel. She is one special person, along with the others you mentioned. You are great guy Jim and deserve to have those who are great around you!
<3 Dawn
I aggree with the majority...start writing professionally...you are so talented.
"Amazing! Understanding and putting into words that all "warriors" must read! For those who never have had a "Real Fight" it lends a window to a "fighters mentality". For people like myself who truely enjoy pugilistic endeavors, it reminds us that there is a time and place for rage, and actually the true battle is withen ourselves. Keep it up, the writing and the fighting!"
Ken Aab
"If you ever get out to NorCal hit me up, you can come train with my gym. And yes those ass-kickings sure do feel great sometimes. Couple nights ago I got home and puked, and my girl is freaking out if I am OK. I just look at her and say "I'M Great!" She just looked at me and said "you a freaking nut!" Hopefully through your writings I can prove I am not a nut by myself!"
Ken Aab
Only those who understand know !!!
“I see before me the Gladiator. He leans upon his hand - his manly brow. Consents to death, but conquers agony.”
Lord Byron
A warrior must only take care that his spirit is not broken
You both seem like "fighters" in every sense of the word. Jim- your spirit will NEVER be broken.
You Angel of Ligh has the gratitude of all of us. She must be amazing to have the honor of you writing about her. You need friends like that. Fly Jimbo Fly.
Hey Jim, A pleasure to be a part of the people with whom you share your deep secrets. Concerning the blue angel, I know of one called the blue fairy who turned Pinnocio into a "real" boy. Time, patience, and purity, as little and as much as I know about the one you speak of, she is still a mystery. But, those three things, time, patience, and purity, intertwined with love. If there is to be anything between the two of you, that will point you in the right direction.
One of your newest brothers and co-warriors in this confused, embattled world. James
You know of the Angel for whom lifted me up. I have no plan..no preconceived notion..no desire. Just to be around you people and continue to share and hold one another up. Time will tell, but I can tell you that what I did see that evening in her was genuine and sincere. Greatness begets greatness. Love begets love. I have all of you to thank for helping keep me on track and focused.
Wow Jim, even your replies touch me. This sounds like an amazing person this Angel. Even if she is just your friend. I know you and how patient you are and how you truly don't have a "plan" to pursue this. You are a gentle soul and that REAL LOVE is out there waiting.
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