Warning !!! This posting contains graphic nature and a scratch and sniff photo to the left. Mmmm hmmm....try it...I dare you! It was also written in a Lortab induced stuper. Nothing is more graphic than the obscenities that were emitted from my mouth as I hit the ground yesterday. I was about 15 feet up on a highball boulder problem when gravity grabbed me by my business and gave me a good yank.
Highball !!! The name itself should have given rise to a "heightened" sense of caution, but being the bumbling romantic that I can often be, I saw it as a "challenge"..... a dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. I am prone to such "highball" problems. I tend to walk away from them with a sense of satisfaction and a heightened sense of "being". It is a humbling feeling to know that failure could result in serious bodily injury.
Every now and then, as I fight gravity, gravity wins. This time- gravity kicked my ass. But you know what?! I won't quit. I spent my high school years kick boxing. What did I learn? Was I some bad ass kung fu expert? A brawling, spittin', tactician of an ancient art? Nope - I learned to get my ass kicked. I was pretty good at that. No; I was damn good at that. Obviously I still am. Here I am lying on the couch facing the inevitable. I am looking at surgery and dealing with the most profound pain that my body has ever dealt with. Seriously !!! The pain is UNREAL. The CT scan and Xrays from the ER show that I OBLITERATED my heel. As my typical style would dictate, I didn't just go down, I went down in style. I didn't just fall, I tried to auger my darn foot into the earth. Guess I should have been a farmer. Could have been a professional post hole digger.
I could just throw my hands in the air and scream out loud, but why? I don't need sympathy. I don't thrive on that. That's not how I roll. I just gotta roll with the punches, pick myself up, dust myself off, and get on with livin'. I am thankful to those of you who were there and CARRIED me out. Then drove like a rodeo clown on some serious downers to Mercy Medical Center. I know we will be laughing about this down the road, but for now, I have a fight ahead of me. I am ready though. Don't feel sorry for me, don't send me cards or flowers. Just have a good laugh and drink one for me. Here's to all of you who have tried to make it as a human auger. Don't ever give up and don't let anything fog your focus. Carry on and live the dream. When you feel like you are down and out, and there is no way out...just grab the bird by the gullet and shake things up a bit.
Jim, you are a whack job! Is the same ankle you broke in the Wichitas?
Nope. This is the same one I broke in my motorcycle accident. It was my left one in the Wichitas. This is BY FAR the most painful injury I have ever had. Lortabs are like tic tacs to this injury. They are fun and might add a little fresh breath.. but beyond that they don't work for crap. I am having a "Calgon take me away" moment.
Tell your DR. to hook up the hydrocodin or morphine! At least you could have some fun with it!
Yikes! Sorry about being laid up!
Nope...they offered me that in the ER after the CT scan. In my infinite wisdom..I turned it down. If looks could have killed. Peg looked like she wanted to slap me at that moment...I want to slap me now. I need something for this crap. I am trying to be strong but the whole "pain is weakness leaving the body thing" is a bunch of bull. Pain is pain leaving the body and making way for greater pain. So there.
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