Today I had one of those moments that all parents dread. My daughter was pretty hot after hiking up to our favorite bouldering area. She was pretty pink in the face when we finally got there. It was a really warm day here in Durango. I think it might have reached ninety degrees. Yeah, that's hot here in Durango. So we got there and we all laid around for a good half hour before we even put on our shoes. Kealey was noticeably hot and drained. So....she says "daddy can I take my shirt off?" WOW !!! How do you tell a little 6 year old girl that it isn't kosher for little girls to climb with their shirts off? I just told her exactly that. So she one ups me and says "well Kai does it." Her mom explains to her that little girls shouldn't climb without their tops because that have boobies. So she says "boys have boobies too." Yup, she had us on this one. Then she goes on to make sure we know that there is no one else around but us. So we decide that it is probably more harmful for her to leave her shirt on.
Then the she starts to climb. She tops out on "her" little boulder problem and proceeds to stand on the top an beat her chest. She flexed a little and bowed her chest out. That was pretty funny. Then on the next climb, she proceeds to top out and say to me "daddy, I'm glad I didn't scratch up my boobs." Needless to say, I was utterly speechless. I will not forget that statement for the rest of my days. Sometimes being a parent is just priceless. You just can't explain to your "non-parent" friends, the joy and laughter your kids can bring you. They can make you forget all your worries and anxieties in a heartbeat. I know that they can break your heart just as fast, but I am too busy laughing and enjoying my kids to worry about that.
Trust me, whoever said said "Kids say the darnest things" was absolutely right! They do the damnest things too. Remember that piece if string you used to carry around when you were a little kid in AK? I sure do! Kids leave footprints on your heart and you'll cherish them till your end of days.
I didn't just carry the string...I died french fries on it...rocks...sticks..and the random dead frog. Yeah..I have no clue why. I was cool though.
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