Ol’ Faithful
I often am called a “gear whore”. Sometimes, when my fellow climbers are feeling a little kinder, they call me a “techno gear weenie”. Lets face it, climbing lends itself well to being such a person. Whether we admit it or not, we all kind of “get into” our gear. We all have our favorite piece of gear, gear company, harness; belay device, etc, etc. Me? Don’t even get me started. I love so many things about climbing and the lifestyle, but I do tend to be a gear critic of sorts. Take for instance that piece of crap harness we have all owned. Many of us would buy it, realize it is a real piece of excrement, and just keep wearing it because we can’t return it. Me !!! I wear it once or twice. Realize it is a real piece, and then I ceremoniously throw the piece of shit to the curb. Not literally of course. I just recycle it. By that I mean throw it in a bag until someone needs a harness to “borrow”. Then I get a good laugh when (usually a guy friend) borrows it and the first time he falls he gets all his glory stuck in a leg loop. Man that is some funny stuff. Watching him squirm on the end of the rope and wriggle about. All the while I am doing my best to hold him while laughing myself into frenzy.
How about that “latest and greatest” piece of trad gear. You know, like the newest and best cam or new age, retro, innovative nut. Yeah that one that is “curved” just right and looks oh so sexy. Then you get up on a hard route that you have been working, grab the “wonder nut” only to find out that the damn thing won’t fit into ANYTHING. What would most people do? Keep trying to place it? Re-rack it? Not me. Throw that damn thing as far as possible and watch all the noob’s go tearing after the free booty. Then you can calmly grab the nut(s) you have relied on for years and watch it slowly, gently, and eloquently slide right into its place. Now that is satisfaction. Ol’ Faithful is always there when I need it. Kind of like your favorite pair of shoes. Maybe not the most fashionable, or the current trend, but damn it, they fit like a glove and you have shared MILES with those babies.
When it comes to brands, we all have our favorite. Personally, I “like” many brands. Petzl just happens to be one brand that has stood the test of time with me. Through my time guiding and years of climbing, I have tried so many of their products. Some (although not many) have seen the glory throw over my shoulder when they haven’t worked. Most have ROCKED though. Take for instance the Reverso. I want to meet the guy who invented that device. Not the only device out there by any stretch, but the one that started it all. When guiding some out of shape, fried chicken eating, neophyte, you have to love the auto locking function of the Reverso. Why didn’t they think of these decades ago? Simple, elegant, stylish, and one of the most practical devices a guide could own. How about the new model??? OOOOOOhhhhhh. If you don’t have it yet – GET IT. Borrow the money, mow the lawn, and sell your old belay devices, whatever. Just get it. It is one sexy mutha humpa. The BMW of belay devices. Sure to set the stage for bigger and better to come. It will certainly raise the bar for those other manufacturers. Oh, and yes I have tried the BD Guide ATC. Man, I am just in love.
I have just found myself turning to these guys again, and again. They always pull through. No matter what, I always go back to them. Kind of like that girlfriend who you swear you aren’t “attached” to. You even go as far as secretly going back to her when no one is looking. Sneaking around, dancing in the shadows, and throwing all egos to the wind. I love you Petzl !! In fact, I love the stuff so much that I named my dog Petzl. He is just like the gear I have come to rely on. Simple, elegant, fun, and reliable. If he could belay, he would be my only climbing partner. If I could wear him on my harness, I would. With pride, I might add. Like a good partner (or piece of gear) he doesn’t complain, drink all my beer, or eat all my food. Well he tries to eat all the food. He just chills and loves life, a good treat, a hike in the hills, and companionship. He does hog the bed, farts when it is not cool, and snores like a freaking freight train. But man he is the best friend a guy could have. One word says it all: faithful. So here is Petzl for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy him, but don’t get too attached.