Like passing thunderheads, laden with life giving moisture, energy, and beauty, so to are the people who seem to pass through my life. Like the fleating thuderstorms that tickle the tops of the Rocky Mountains, so to are those who seem to pass through my life. The relationships, friendships, acquantinces, etc, that seem to float into my life just seem to brush the top of my soul. Never penetrating, never staying, and I find myself unable to embrace that which seems to disipate before sufficient lucidity has evolved. I certainly want the closeness found in real, tangible relationships. I sometimes feel as though my past has left scar tissue on my heart. When these relationships approach, their beauty is evident and stunning all at once, yet I find myself donning my proverbial unbrella. Sheltering, protecting if you will, the damaged heart from the impending storm. I look in awe, in amazement at the bedazzling beauty of such a force as it slowly approaches. Slowly such relationships impart their beauty on all that I know, yet like the thunderous storms that blow over my home, they are gone before I have the chance to fully embrace all that they are, or I have retreated to safety to avoid the beauty within these storms. I cower beneath my umbrealla and hunker down in my own internal caves. I know not if this instinct is from the damage suffered in recent times, if it’s some primordial survival instinct come back now that my life is back to being lived as a “single man”, or if it is genuine fear of the storm and all of its elements. One can only wonder why it is we shelter ourselves from things that are truly so beautiful. Why do we duck and run when such a lifeforce of energy and life giving current comes our way?
Much like the monsoon rains here in the Southern Rockies, I have seen my fair share of potential relationships approach my world, only to fall apart before reaching their full potential. Initially I find myself looking on in awe. Wanting to see the light show, hear the thunder, feel the cleansing rain on my face, and feel the freedom giving wind upon my brow. I face these relationships with no umbrella, no rain gear, no tent, no shelter. Just me and the thunderous approach of something wonderful. Yet when it gets closer, when the gift of natural inclination is right upon me, I seem to whip out that umbrella and/or run for cover. Don’t get me wrong, I am far from a coward when it comes to getting to know someone and investing my time and energy “out there” in the thick of it. Feeling it all, experiencing it all, and getting soaked by all that any relationship has to offer. I just know that I have found myself in a place surrounded by impassable mountains. I have intentionally put my heart and soul in a place surrounded by an internal range of mountains, impenetrable and insurmountable. I guess it’s my happy place. A place where I know that the raw and bleeding heart can heal. A place where “this can’t happen to me again”. Maye to some that seems cowardly, but to me it is simple survival.
I’ve watched with unabashed wonder as some of these relationships have developed over the mountains of my heart. I see them coming, and bask in all that they bring. A few have had the potential to become natural disasters, and a few have been nothing but passing storms. I’ve been sheltered (thankfully) from those disasters and have made a concious effort to stay out in the “passing storms” long enough to soak in their lessons and glory. The one or two that have passed through, which have had the potential to be significant, lasting, meaningful, and memorable have thus far found me running for cover. Not wanting to acknowledge the significance of these “great ones” I tend to just go hide out in my mountians and let them pass. Never knowing if this one could be the “hundred year storm”. The one that will change it all. Change the face of the landscape of my heart. Like the monsoon rains, will this be the one to flood the valleys of my heart and wash away all the mud and silt flowing through? Could this be the one to bring the life giving rain to a shattered heart and dried up soul?
I keep telling myself that relationships are like storms. Packed full of excitement and energy, so full of beauty and vollatility, yet so natural and full of wonder. All in all they give life. Without them, we’d all just be dried up deserts, devoid of freshness and grace. I still can’t convince myself to stand out in these storms. I meet someone who I find intriguing, while not actively seeking, and I see the potential therein start to build. I stand and face the wind (if this person truly has my attention) and I watch as the energy builds. The discovery evolves, like the building of cumulonimbus, growing as all the necessary elements come together. Building into something so alive, so fluid, and so beautiful. It’s a rare thing to witness these things within our interactions with others. It’s imperative (in my opinion) that we don’t let these moments pass by like the clouds above. We need to stop and take note, and yet in the thick of it, I typically turn tail and run.
I can feel the energy of these things building. I can stand out there as vulnerable as possible. Fists clenched, eyes open, heart exposed, but time and again my reaction is the same. Cover!!! Find protection within and stay there. This too shall pass. After all, the perfect storm of my life, or what I thought was so, has passed and is but a distant memory. So why risk it all again to go through that? It’s a funny question coming from one who has spent the better half of his life living on the edge. Risking “real” storms at altitude, on some rock face, or in my youth chasing the storms that created the perfect swell. Yet the courage to face this fear has thus far eluded me. Again and again, I push the potential relationship away. I know that a broken heart needs time to heal, yet I am about as resilient as they come. I know down to the core of my soul that I do not want to walk this earth alone, yet I tend to not give the slightest chance to anyone.
I had recently resolved to spend my days in the comfort of the valley’s surrounding me. I have continually repeated my mantra, allowed the internal dialogue that says “all things are impermanent so why risk it”. It’s a battle with the elements that I know not how to win. I know that the things that are constant, real, and tangible in my life are the things that are here now. My kids, my climbing, and my fighting. These are the things that make up my world. For better or worse, these are the tools in my quiver that have allowed me to keep on keepin on. I tell myself continuously that to rely on none but ourselves is the only way that I can avoid the disaster that can push you to the brink of destruction. I am slowly evolving in this process. While hanging onto these thoughts and beliefs, I know that I have let some pretty spectacular people pass right through my life. I cowered under the shelter of my own cowardice. Mr. Risk Taker has cowered selfishly below the protection of the walls around his heart. I know I cannot continue to live in this internal isolation. I also hear the voices all around who (very commically) state that “you’re just not ready”. To ANYONE uttering such nonsense, I can only say – what makes you the expert. We are all different. Every heart is hurt in this life, and every heart heals, and yet none do so at the same speed. I find it laughable and always want to ask for (from the experts) the date when I’ll be ready. If I had that date I could just get on with my own selfish endeavors until that day comes. I could focus more on training, fighting, and being the best dad possible. No one seems to have the rebutal to that question when I ask.
All this being said – I HAVE begun to peak my head out a little more with each passing day. Like the prairie dog of the plains, I peak out and look around from time to time. I know I can always run back to my “happy place” but I had just recently climbed the walls of my heart, ascended the stunning peaks that surround my soul, just to get some fresh air. Then it happened!!! I felt that wind in my face. The fresh, life giving kind. The wind that grabs your attention and commands you to breathe it in deeper. I dared to glance over those peaks. Tentatively, timidly, and with focused caution. What I see on the horizon is a different kind of storm. What I see approaching is effortless and something I find myself defensless to. The advancing rumble isn’t deafening and scary, rather melodic and soothing. The flashes of light aren’t blinding, but just seem to light up all around. The building energy doesn’t have me grabbing my gear and running. I’m paralyzed by the purity in it. Unlike any previous deluge this one has stripped me of all my defenses. Is it going to pass right over head? Is it going to disipate and fall apart before it’s energy and cleansing, life giving, gift is poured down upon my face? Who knows? All I know is that this one feels different. This one isn’t scary and threatening. This one has the beauty of the hundred year storm. This one has me wondering if I can stand in its path and soak in all that is offered. I don’t feel the tingling in my feet telling me to run. I am not subconsiously retracing my steps up to this point, planning my retreat. I find myself captivated, mesmerized, and in awe at the shear simplicity of it. If it passes me by, if it falls to pieces before it reaches its thunderous crescendo, I will only stand here in wonderment, and face the demons within. Feeling the raindrops on my face. Watching, feeling all it has to offer. I find myself not looking for a cave to hide in. My only thought beyond the approaching storm is my internal dialogue, wondering why is this one so different, and the immediate response that comes from WAY DOWN..saying…”who cares, just enjoy it”. If the valleys below me flood, I guess like Noah I can build an Ark and sail away. I see the beauty as it pours in all around me, in all that I do, and I work to disipate the fear within. I know that my safety is within, self reliant and self sufficient, yet I also know that it takes both sunshine, and rain to make a rainbow. Without the storms of this life our souls would be but a baren landscape devoid of life. Without the courage to stand before the power of nature, and natural selection, the brevity of this life would be much to frightening to face. There comes a time when we all must crawl from the sanctuary within and put ourselves out there. Many times, on many climbs, many routes, and during many storms I have had to rely on the compass within…sometimes you just have to point it north and let it guide you. Sometimes you have to come out from under that umbrella. Maybe this is my time, maybe it’s not, but I won’t find out if I stay within the safety of the mountains around my heart. I will try harder to not let the storms of my life float by anymore. I will look into them as one would look to lucid dreams for understanding beyond what is typical. Within those lucid dreams, maybe I shall find my perfect storm.
Wonderful Jim. Once again a very poignant piece. My guess is that you are not going to reveal who this lady of the clouds is? It matters no how. You are an amazing soul and you have once again created something that made every sense in my being come alive. Thanks for sharing and stand out there in that storm my friend.
I love it Jim. What I love the most is how you can metaphorically tie something that most see as destructive and “bad” to something so beautiful. You’ve done it again. Regardless if this is your “Perfect Storm” , you seem to have taken a huge step forward. Or should I say upward? Love you amigo.
Yeah! There it is. Been wondering where your writing went. Guess you’ve had your head in the clouds eh? I love how you can take something so mundane and simple, and turn it into something to be learned from and something so beautiful. Good stuff. Take care buddy and don’t ever stop writing, living, and loving.
Still feeling the world with an ethereal hand, like a blind man 'seeing' without his eyes but seeing more than those with sight....The tendrils of the human soul, filaments of dream and reality...
I can't tell you how much I would love to see you in the Valley in Sept... You know I'll be there, so who knows. Just maybe I'll get that chance, after all this time, to shake your hand again.
Thanks guys. Geo ~ I love your comment. Sometimes I feel like the blind leading the blind...or that I am blind to what is real. I was just telling someone via text that this story is/was a happy one. That "storms" are far from "bad". It's all in our perceptioin. While I have a deep feeling that this storm too shall pass, it's the lessons I've learned and gleaned from each ensuing "pattern" that passes through the hills of my heart. In this case, regardless of intent, durantion, the pattern, or strength, I learned a lot.
September is a time where I had planned to take off NO MATTER WHAT. My current plans seem to be falling apart a bit so I'll be in touch in the next week or so. As I told you before, the time off is already on the calendar so I gotta git outta dodge. You know I'd love to share a rope with you in the valley. I'd be psyched to get on a wall with you (The Nose??) assuming I could pull together the logistics and a porta-ledge really quick. I'll have my plans dialed by next Monday and will let you know how it pans out. Not sure at this point. Be good my friend and keep on keepin on. Know that I think of you often and especially during your healing process. You know I'd have no problem leading all the pitches !!!! Might be my lucky day for you to be recovering and to be on a wall !!! Pitch hog that I am.
Hey Jim!!
Just read your blog.....I really enjoyed it. It rang true to a lot of how I have felt the past couple of years.
I wish I could go line to line with you and comment....:)
I know at the end that you made mention that so many people say..."you will know when you are ready" (or something along those lines)
Jim, when I met you last year I was at a pretty bad place from a dating relationship. I know how long it has taken me to get to a place where I finally feel (possibly) ready to put myself out there again. I SO relate to the fears. I was only with my person (who broke my heart) for 3 yrs. You had a lot more that you had to walk away from and it was very painful to you. Of course you are protective of your heart!
I was just telling a girlfriend that other day that I will never be a 'man hater' type of woman, but I am very protective of my heart now. I understand what you are saying about the storms, the fears, and the umbrellas.
I find myself sometimes walking away from possibly the real potentials. I do not want to hurt like that ever again.
I know from what you told me and written on FB, etc., that you have met some pretty awesome people along the way.
I know you hate to hear it...but it IS all still pretty fresh for you...your divorce was just a year ago, right?. You don't have to rush into anything.
I know and trust with my heart and soul that YOU, of all people I have met in my day, will find someone. There are people we meet on that road to the right one,....and that has been sometimes fun, sometimes frustrating. It has also given me confidence in myself to realize that I am still a someone that other people may like being around. (even if my ex schmuck didn't think so..lol) But I do know that God has a plan for me and when the time is right, He will present the right one to me. I will also accept if His plan is for me to be alone. I have lots of good friends and I will be happy with that.
You are a genuine, caring, respectful, fun loving person. The little bit of time that I shared with you was truly a blessing. I will always want to stay in touch with you regardless if we ever even see each other again. You inspire me.
(and for the record,....again....I have come a long way since when we met. I was a mess when I met you. argh! Things are much better and life is better)
I'd love to know more about this person who is giving you this serenity??? I'm happy for you, that you are feeling the way you do.
Whatever happens with it, I have no doubt that you will find happiness again.... beyond your wildest dreams....
I know I don't write as eloquently as you....but I hope you get a little of what I am saying. :)
Been thinking about a trip to Durango soon!! I will let you know..
You are the only person I know who can turn something so normal, something so mundane, into somethign that elicitts feeling. Something amazing. Seeing your face lately, and the bounce in your step had me wondering. While I know you well enough to know that you are so down to earth, logical, and defensive of where you are now, I see you have grown from this no matter where it goes. Talk soon.
There are many who have walked this journey with me. Some could only walk awhile, some have endured so much more than they should have, but all are indispensible to me. You came into my life, when you did, for a damn good reason. You are still here. Not many who I let in, ever go very far no matter how far they are. I've changed tenfold through this process and so many lessons have been learned. This piece was somplly written because someone has come along and taken away so much fear and so many inhibitions that were not rightly place there. This person could VERY WELL be gone tomorrow. I know better than most, that you must be okay with being alone because that can happen in the briefest of moments. Yeah, it's hard to trust again and hard to get past it all. Not sure I ever will. I too am okay with where I end up. Simply put, this has been an amazing experience just to "feel" some things again. Not saying too much, just saying that some of the numbness dissipated and was replaced by real, tangible feelings. None more relevant than the feeling of just being alive and being free. Feeling careless, and fearless all at once. The way I've always been. As soon as I clicked "save" on this one, I found myself smiling at my blank screen. I knew that with the click of a button, with the changing of the wind, with the setting of the sun, it could all be gone, all change. So what? It happened and I'm grateful.
That brings me back to you. I am grateful to have met such a fabulous person. Such a classy woman who looked me right in the eye and told me what I needed to hear...and meant it. Who is still here today. I am where I am..and you are where you are..and things are exactly as they are supposed to be right now. You know my door is always open and and evening on the town and a dinner awaits your arrival. Just say when.
One night that I'll never forget as long as I live was when you sat in Doug's driveway under that starlit sky. We lay upon that big ass boulder and you poured your heart out. Jim I honestly never hurt for someone so deeply in my life. I hope I never see anguish like that again. I remember that night like it was yesterday. I remember the caring man that sat next to me and felt ashamed for making me cry. I remember you turning that whole evening's conversation into something positive, desperately trying to make me stop crying. You told me, and I wrote this down that night in my journay, "don't cry for me because I've not only had a good life but life has just begun and I'm going to find her out there somewhere, someday." I've never forgotten that. After all you endured, and especially back then, you still tried to find the good in it. Well I don't know if this is "her" or not, but you sure as hell are going to make a woman happy someday. I am SO PROUD to have known you before your divorce and even prouder to know the man you have since become. Keep looking and being open. She is out there Jim. Maybe you found her, maybe she's just another part of the puzzle, but stay open and don't you dare crawl back in that hole on this one.
Does this mean you're off the market? DAMN IT! Well, I hope your beautiful skies last forever and they keep coming. If she's making you feel this way than I'm glad you found her and I hope she knows how lucky she is. We all love you Jimbo.
Thanks for sharing.
Grow bitter or grow better
Have a wonderful day
Hey Jim,
It’s been a while. I’ve seen some gray skies roll over my world, and I’ve endured some pretty crazy storms, yet never with the grace that you always show. You always find a way to show gratitude for the good that you can get from any experience. You have a way of finding the silver lining amongst all the clouds in your life. You make what most of us see as bad in fact be something so good and beautiful. Love the photo by the way. Is that in your part of the country.
Careful Meyer. The only other woman that I have ever heard you talk about this way is that girl you spent half your life with. Just saying! You make me smile and I have known you since we were kids.
I swear to god Jim if this goes on, you fall for this girl, and I don't get a damn invitation! I'm kicking your ass.
Yet another one that you should be including in a book, memoir, or something.
My skies are brighter because of you. You inspire me and always push me to be more and enjoy more out of life.
Howdy neighbor,
Getting to know you and your kids has been an amazing experience for me and my two roomies. We watched all winter as we sat out on the deck and studied. We always stopped what we were doing to watch you guys when you were out there playing with the kids. We’d come into Pongas on weekends and you’d be so sweet and kind. You’d always look so exhausted after working at your office all week and then having to come into the bar all weekend. You started doing that more and more to “get by”. There were so many mornings (and even up until now) where we’d stagger out to the deck on the morning after and there you were throwing snowballs, or riding your bike in circles with Keeley. It always amazed us and made our hearts heavy to see someone so in love with his kids and yet you were so exhausted all of the time. You never wanted to go out or hang out with us. You always worked or wanted to hang with the kids. Getting to know your little girl has made me question my own decision that I “didn’t want kids”. She’s everything that any parent could want. Your son is much of the same and on top of that a guardian angel over that little girl.
Last week we were all sitting out there having a little BBQ and here you come running back up to your deck. You had obviously been out running on the river trail and the funny thing was that it was storming one of the worst storms we have seen in a long time. It calmed down later and out the door comes you and your kids. You sat out there splashing in the rain and jumping in mud puddles. Someone on our deck was like “whose that crazy ass”? My room mate said “he’s the best mother fu$%*ng dad you’ll ever see. I’ll tell you what Jim, we all sat there and watched in silence as you laughed and acted like a complete ass, never once caring what any of your neighbors thought. Then Sara see’s your Facebook link to your Blog. We spent most of the night last night reading your stories. It was like a bunch of girls sitting around watching their favorite TV shows. Then we got to your most recent story and we all just kind of stat there in our living room and cried together and talked about last week when you were out there under cloudy skies splashing in puddles with those kids. I don’t know you well personally, but I feel like you write about what we all go through. You make it seem so real and you tie it to all around you. You see beyond the surface and you are able to tie it all together. I don’t know if this girl is the one for you, but to observe what little of your life I have, and then to read this story makes me just jump up and scream to the sky “hell yeah Jim”. Whether or not this is something serious for you, or just another passing cloud, I hope you get back a little bit of what you give this world.
So the next time you look over and see three girls sitting in awe on our deck as you dance in the rain with your babies, please don’t stop. Know that we are living through you and hoping our lives are as filled with life as yours obviously has been.
You have a gift Jim. You cannot discount that gift or take away from what your writing does for others. To some it is just interesting reading, but to many it has become a catalyst to so much more. Your writing has opened so many eyes and touched many hearts. Keep it up and if whatever this/she is passing through your skies is right for you then you hang onto that my friend. I know that you don’t need to be told this, but I want you to know that I cherish your friendship and always absorb your writing in a way I cannot explain. You have helped to open my eyes to a world that I never knew existed.
Much Love,
Jim; All I want is for you to be happy again. No more blondes though. I Love You - Mom
Stan ~ yes that photos is right here in the San Juans. Twilight Peak. Up by Coal Bank Pass. A great hike, winter climb, etc. Good to hear from you ol' friend.
Mom ~ I guess my affinity for blonds goes back to my diaper days and ever since huh? Old habits die hard. I am happy mom. Even before she fell into my life, and whether it stays or not, I am happier beyond my wildest dreams. I walked through the flames of hell and it did nothing but make me more resolute, and focused on what is important in my life. I look back now, at that journey, and I'm amazed at how I've changed and how my life has changed. It's so cliche' to say "everything happens for a reason" but I have to tell you that I wouldn't go back for all the money in the world. I am closer to the kiddos than I ever imagined possible. I look in the mirror and TRULY love who I am. I just wanna leave my mark on this world and the lives around me. You, dad, my brother and his wife..you guys were right there when I couldn't even breathe...I'll never forget that and it is because of the TOUGHNESS you guys taught me that I was able to persevere. I love you and dad and don't worry about me anymore. I don't go down easily and I'm all fight. As far as "she" goes...you'll see !!!!
Love you guys.
Nice one Jim. I truly enjoy your writing. You really do make me think and inspire me to do more, live more, and be a better person.
It'd be dumb to say that I know you will be happy again. You have changed so much in so many people's eyes, but I have known you long enough to realize you haven't changed. You have simply changed back to who you always were but with a little extra umph. Keep it up my friend and whether this girl last a long time or a short time, I know you will live like this is it.
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