To all my friends and family who have stood by me through this nightmare, I thank you with all that I am. Sometimes in life we have to perservere and keep putting one foot in front of the other when all senses are saying give up. One by one it is the people that have appeared in my life over the last 7 months who have helped keep me on track and truly shown me life again. Some are new, many old, many I have never met, and so many from the past, but all of your emails, calls, comments, well wishes and prayers have been felt. You inspire me and keep me strong. My only hope is that I can pay it forward someday, if not directly to you. My gratitude will last all of my days. Today is the day I step into a courtroom to fight..not a fight in a ring, not a fight on a climb...but a fight for the rest of my life. No one wins in this fight..we all lose and lives are forever changed. Keep my family in your prayers and know we are going to keep walking forward..through it all.

One by one, the tears they fall.
One by one, I tear down these walls
One by one, the memories they fade.
Sequential they fall, a lifetime on parade.
One by one, life sprouts anew.
One by one I see things through.
One by one the battles they rage.
One by one my dreams are freed from this cage.
One by one time marches on.
One by one another day is gone.
One by one the angels appear.
The friends come to lend their ear.
One by one you have lifted me.
One by one you have given me the energy.
One by one you have stood by me in the face of these enemies.
One by one you have marched by my side.
You my friends; have kept this heart alive.
One by one we have worked through the moves.
Choreographed and orchestrated, dancing to a different groove.
One by one before the judge we will appear.
One by one our futures are so unclear.
One by one we will part.
Two by two… a divided heart.
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