Love can move mountains. Love can reach out and touch the sun. In my life the genuine love that I have had for a woman has brought me home time and again while climbing mountains – close to the sun. Down from a multitude of summits, back into the arms of “the” source of all my desires. Love can guide you when you are lost on a mountain, show you the way through a world full of turmoil. The love for a woman can be your guide when you are out on a limb. Her image in your mind’s eye pushing you on when all you want to do is give up. Keeping you warm when the alpine wind relentlessly draws away all warmth within. Yet it cannot take away the warmth in your soul for which she provides.
That love for which I speak is real. It is out there. I found that love and cultivated it. Imperfect and completely unabashed as it began, it ended as a symbol to behold. I knew not what to do at times in my marriage, in fact I often failed, fell and made mistakes. That pure love flowing through my heart kept lifting me back up, setting me back on course, catching my fall. As the years passed I learned to hold onto that love in times of despair. To meditate on the image in my mind of the love we shared. The trials and tribulations of our lives were like the raging storms I faced on many climbs. Blinded, in a white out, and unsure of where to go. Unable to read the map, unsure of the outcome, but “that” love always drove me on. Like a guiding light, an internal compass, the source of my desire, I could always count on that ever expanding love I held for her to push me on. Through the rain, through the snow, through the doubt, and through the pain, that comforting love would calm me and allow me the clarity to make the moves necessary in order to push on. All of my hopes, all of my dreams, all of my everything, were unequivocally ensnared in my love for her. I am far from perfect; the love in my heart for her (and only her) remained my one source of perfection. A fortress around my heart. A bastion of love protecting me where ever my adventuring heart dared to go.
As time went by and life's clock ticked away, I only grew fonder of her. Closer to her, drawn into the simplicity and purity that was our love. She truly became the friend and lover for whom great poets wrote about. In her eyes my soul could find comfort. No matter the time, the place, or the situation, through her eyes my soul could always find a portal to my dreams. The mountains of my life have continually been ascended via routes that challenged me. The "easy way" has never been the direction of my desires. I choose the road less traveled. Like a Buddhist, I had learned to meditate on her image in order to draw from a source of pure love and kindness that would allow me the energy, the peace, and the clarity to put one foot in front of the other until finally I was at the top of whatever peak, whatever challenge I was facing. She became my source, my drive, and my desire. My passion and my desires were only amplified through her. My dreams flowed through my veins, as deep as the cells in my body, always connected like a strand of DNA - to my love for her. I could always close my eyes on a difficult move. Fingers straining, legs shaking, the distance between my feet and the ground ever expanding. Sapped of energy and moments from falling. Not wanting to let go. I could close my eyes and ask God for strength, courage, and another day beyond the moves before me. Knowing that this fall, or that fall, could be my last. I would turn to God many times in difficult situations, listening, beyond my erratic breath; I'd often times get my answer, my source, my drive - her image in my mind. Her smile and her warm touch. Her golden hair blowing in the wind. I tell you - that image, whether you believe it was put there by God in my time of need, or you choose to not believe - has brought me home safely on more occasions than I care to count. Run out, solo, in a storm, it mattered not. I learned to meditate and pray; to draw from the heart and soul. To push myself beyond what this world could give me. When out on the sharp end (climber's lingo for being on lead - climbing first); when pushing your limits again and again, you have to find a source of inspiration. That source for me was again, perfect love. I could always count on her - in more ways than she will ever know. I spent many years guiding others, all the while, she was my guide. She guided the dreams that remained in my heart, and those that were tangible. The dreams that were deep seated in me. She dared me to "go get them". Always there with one hand on my back. Her gentle touch, ever present and real, assuring me that she was there. I knew I was never alone as long as I cultivated that love. I could close my eyes at night and the sense of what we had, what we built, and what we dared to be, assured me that if God gave me one more day and I awoke in the morning, it would be next to her. That above all else in this life, was what made all the struggles worth it. Having her to share my life with. Her being there both consciously and subconsciously was always the fuel that I needed to light the fire within.
Then I awoke one morning and she was no longer there! I have since arisen in the middle of the night and just reached over, searching for the source of my dreams. My companion on this journey. The “guide of the guide”. All I have found is an empty space. Time has passed and yet I still look. Through the storm. Through the rain that fills my eyes – tear filled and blurry. Sleep eludes me. Rest is not an option. Somewhere deep within those dreams are memories of her. My soul wanders through the night searching relentlessly for her. I know that she is gone. No love for me exists in her heart, yet I cannot convince my heart to let my love go. I subconsciously suppress my dreams. Hold back my future and my God given ability to dream. I may not have been much in this life, thus far, but I have always held onto my dreams. Those dreams seem pointless without her by my side. I have never been a perfect man, or husband, or father, but I have maintained my focus on trying harder with every breath that passes through my lungs. That fleeting sense of reality that she would come back is all but gone. I still wake most nights, and my hand still reaches out, but she is not there.
I have begged and pleaded for God to take the pain. To set me free and take the love from my heart. I do not sleep; I rarely cry anymore. It is the same thing every night. I refuse to dream, for those dreams are inevitably of her. Like a ghost in the darkness my love for her haunts me. I want peace. I want to dream again. I want to dream in color. Something will not let the love go. I have begged God to strip it from my heart. I ask not to replace it with anger, hate, and fear, only to give me back a pure heart so that I may dream again. The source of my desires is gone. She is not coming back. I know now what it must feel like to be a widower, yet I am faced with the ghost that was her every time I see her. She is there -yet gone. I wander the house at night on those sleepless nights, praying for God to let me close my eyes and rest, yet I beg Him to not let me dream. Those dreams are too often filled with that love. That kindness we shared and the smile on her face. The simplicity in our lives, in our love, and in her touch - it all comes rushing back if I dream. So I ask "God don't let me dream". Usually I neither sleep nor dream. I guess sleeping and dreaming go hand in hand for me. So I repeat the cycle again and again. I wake all too often now, reaching over, knowing she won't be there. I still reach. I don't know how to NOT reach for my dreams. She is still there, somewhere deep within my heart.
To love so deeply is to have lived. To lose that love is to have died. To survive through it is to be lost, wandering. Always reaching over looking for that one that completed you. Waking in the night and wandering an empty house. The two little lives that the two of you created are not there. You cannot go peak into their door and listen for their tiny breath. The family pets are gone. In years past you could wake in the middle of the night and gently crawl from bed, making certain to not wake her. You could wander the house and look through framed glass at a life. Walls filled, frames filled, all with LIFE. Now when you get up in the middle of the night it is typically from a sleepless, restless night. You still extend your arm over - nothing. You stumble gracelessly from an awkward slumber. You get away from your bed, afraid of the dreams. Wandering the halls. Pacing nervously. Afraid to sleep. The halls you wander now are empty. No memories staring back through the glass, only an empty reflection of what was.
I cannot go on forever running from my dreams. I know she is gone, and I know she will no longer guide my dreams. I'd give up those dreams to have her back, but I know her love for me vanished. Like the ghost in the night that haunts me, the love we had is but a ghost. We struggled through life and always maintained that love. To lose a love like that would drive most men to the brink of destruction. Poets have written about such lost love and the death of the remaining soul. I will not let that happen. I will hang on, like the climbs of my life. That love for her - the only true love I have ever known - remains in me. For some reason God will not let me go. Will not let me release that love. I am not sure why. I dare not ask why anymore. My routine is here. I carry on in this life, carrying around a love that I know is dead. Begging to have it stripped from me. Pleading for sleep and the ability to dream again. To find new dreams and explore what is out there. I know not what “not letting go” means, but it is what I feel. I hide it well and deal with it when I am alone. Redefining what it means is all I can do.
I feel as though I have been climbing through the shadows. Afraid of the light. Climbing in the shadows – enjoying the climb, yet not the light that surrounds me. Afraid to let go, and unable to, when God clearly see's a reason to keep that love in my heart. I continue to climb - upward toward blue skies. It is what she would have inspired me to do in years past...in months past. On a clear star filled night recently I listened to a friend sing a song she had written. The words stopped the world around me as I tuned in...."Go and dream". She knew not what her song meant to me. Unintentional as it was, it struck a chord in me and gave me a little push towards the light. At that moment, during that evening, I was hiding in the shadow of my heart. Dealing with the ghost in the darkness. I have to admit that I didn’t hear the beginning of the song…until those words. Then she had my full attention. That same day I had a conversation with an old friend who knows of the ghost that haunts me. She told me – “Jim it is okay to love her. Love her all you want and to hell with anyone who doesn’t understand. Love will get you further than hate.” Those words are forever etched in my mind. So I look to the night now with a resounding sense of calmness. I climb towards a light that I shall not fear. Dream as I may, restless as I am, I know that I can’t shake what is inside and now I know it is okay to go ahead and dream.
I have to admit to you that I have followed your blog since you broke your foot. I am completely captivated by your words. You write in a way that feels so real and allows me to FEEL what you are saying. I also have to admit that your subtle references to God have really touched me. It seems you have found something that I lost years ago. It is so raw and real when I read your words. This one takes the cake Jim. I sat here at my screen, a grown man, crying when I read this. If I could write something even slightly as eloquent for my wife, I think she’d just melt. It is like music. Instead I went and woke her and brought her to the computer. She sits next to me as I type wiping her eyes. Jim I thought that I knew what it meant to live and love. You challenge me to redefine that with every post you put up. I look forward to the day we can share a rope again.
John T.
Wow Meyer. I was waiting for a new post but I had no clue it'd be this good. You are SOLID ! You have to know that you inspire others and give hope where people see none. Don't forget that. HOPE. Like that new TAT of yours.
Speechless once again. It will take time to let go, but if you are meant to let go, it will happen...when you're ready.
For you my friend - and for your wonderful wife who you obviously adore and love. May you two find the good in one another again someday:
I can’t hold on, I can’t sleep…
I see you from distance…
so close to me…
I can hear your whisper,
but you can’t hear my cry…
I need you like the air,
But i can’t breath…
I thought i can be like the sun and moon to you, to see all the time,
But, I’m just only a star to you…to be far and seen only in the clear sky..
I can see you all the time, but, now i can see you only in my dream…
If i can only see in my dreams, i will sleep forever..
But, I can’t sleep..
I wake up in the middle of the night, hoping you might see me, hear me..
But, my hope fades away slowly,
I’m fading away slowly…
But, I’m happy…
Happy that i can smile…
smile given by you.
every time i smile i can you see you smile..
which keeps me breathing that you are near me…
which makes me crying that you are moving away from me..
But, i won’t cry, i don’t want to see you cry..
which hurts me more that i can’t see you cry for me….
I still adore you..
And you’re still with me…
I’ll sleep tonight, hoping tomorrow won’t hurt me like today…
You’re my hope..
And I can hold on…
BRAVO! Hold on, sleep, and dream. Even if those dreams are of her you can know that you are being true to your heart. Good to see that tenderness again.
Jim and Peg (if she reads this):
You two have always been amazing. I know you both are hurting, and have hurt in the past. I hope you two find each other again. Not sure where you are at with each other but I hope you will look and see your faults and all the good you two were together. You guys always had the envy of all of us. You were always laughing and the way you raised those kids is nothing short of amazing. You were always the couple to live up to. Stop listening to all the outsiders (even family) and listen to what is in your heart. See beyond the bitterness and at least try to remember who it is you fell in love with. I have follow this as time has passed and it is obvious that your love runs deep Jim. If moving on is what you CHOOSE to do then I think you have done so with grace and humility. You can be proud of these words you have written. Be proud of the father you are and the husband you tried to be. If moving on is what you do then remember that love will find you again.
Nice Jim. Tough to live with all that but we see you all the time and you ARE doing good. We can tell when it weighs on you, but the forgiveness you show and the love you have for her is evident. Just take it one day at a time. You have support and you WILL be happy again. Probably more so than you can imagine.
Wow dude. I have to admit, I am utterly blown away. I think I've realized that you have a talent not just for using words, but for putting them together in such a way that completely and compellingly allows others to feel exactly what you feel; it's pretty amazing.
I know that things are tough inside, and there's probably no sign of them getting easier. As I've always said, no words of mine could ever make you feel better. Even though it won't work out this fall, I still plan on visiting as much as possible and as always, being one of your truest friends. It's an honor.
Hey Jim,
These are my thoughts right now. I would redirect as much of that love, emotion, affection as I was capable of towards your two children who will gladly receive it. I have to wonder what is going on in their little hearts and minds just the same as you and yet they likely are not able to express themselves the way that you do.
I kick myself when I realize a day has gone by and I missed a valuable moment with my kids. They are growing up fast and they often DO hurt as much as we do. Sometimes not.
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.
This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”
The Lord replied, “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”
Your friend is right. Carrying love in your heart is the only way to heal. It will get better, it will get easier.
AWESOME Jim. Where ever you go - there you are. Choose wisely and thank God for men like you who can show love when almost everyone else would hate and wallow in their sorrow.
Jim - you always have chased your dreams. You have always been so full of love. I have known you since we were kids. You are you my friend. Be proud. Love her if you so choose, or love another, but you will love again and you are always loved.
Iorgot I had this, made me think of you. Hopefully I haven’t already emailed this to you.
"Leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift." (Matthew 5:24)
It is useless to give offerings to God while you are at enmity with your brother. Jesus said that His followers should be reconciled with anyone who has something against them. The world seeks reconciliation on limited terms. Christians are to be reconciled, whatever it takes.
You say, “But you don’t know how deeply he hurt me! It’s unreasonable to ask me to restore our relationship.” Or, “I tried but she would not be appeased.” Jesus did not include an exception clause for our reconciliation. If the person is an enemy, Jesus said to love him (Matt. 5:44). If he persecutes you, you are to pray for him (v. 44). If she publicly humiliates you, you are not to retaliate (v. 39). If someone takes advantage of you, you are to give even more than he asks (v. 41). The world preaches “Assert yourself.” Jesus taught, “Deny yourself.” The world warns that you will be constantly exploited. Jesus’ concern was not that His disciples be treated fairly but that they show unconditional love to others regardless of how they were treated. Men spat upon Jesus and nailed Him to a cross. His response was our model: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do” (Luke 23:34).
If there were ever a command that is constantly disobeyed, it is this mandate to be reconciled. We comfort ourselves with the thought, “God knows that I tried to make things right, but my enemy refused.” God’s word does not say “Try to be reconciled,” but “Be reconciled.” Is there someone with whom you need to make peace? Then do what God tells you to do.
Ok Meyer, I've been watching the comments on this one and will shift the direction of these comments for at least this one, first and foremost you are part of this great thing we call family. Grandma and Grandpa Meyer were proud of all of their grandkids and what they had accomplished in their life. They are looking down on you and smiling with such pride and bragging to everyone that will listen, about you and what a wonderful man you have grown into. Life is not always fair, where you are today proves that beyond a doubt. I have been following this blog for a while and have come to know a part of you that I would not have otherwise. We are so proud of the high road that you have chosen and the grace with which you have traveled this journey. We will always be here for you and your kids and your family.
We live in a small town in MN, smaller than Durango CO and I know I don't have a circle of friends here that even comes close to what I have witnessed here, and I grew up here and don't have that level of support that you do. You are truly blessed to be surrounded by so many people that support you and lift you up and keep you headed in the right direction. Keep loving those beautiful kids of yours and do what makes you the happiest. Show them that when life does not always go the way we planned, people can and do pick themselves up, brush themselves off and move on. You can show them that is ok to be sad and to grieve what is lost but one must find a way to put one foot in front of the other and move forward. And you have done that with such grace and in a way that shows them they too can conquer anything with love, support and an outlet that keeps them going.
I will keep reading if you keep writing and someday, if you make it back to MN to visit or we make the treck West, we will sit and chat.
One last note, once again your writing has had a profound impact on me. Each entry gets better, it's better than reading a book, and I can not wait for the next page, the next chapter and this is a book I hope will never end.
Keep looking up, those that have gone before you are looking down and lifting you up and we are all supporting you and sending you our love.
Your Cousin
Wow. Where to begin? I've been reading the constant flow of comments on here and truly believe that you have a treasure trove of caring, understanding friends. However, I wonder if anyone really gets the bottom line? From personal experience, I can tell you that we can't choose who we love. I wish we could. If that were so, I could open up my front door, step out into the sun and say, "I choose THAT person to love." If this were a possibility I wouldn't be sitting here brokenhearted, having lost the love of my life because he was a complete idiot. But no matter how much of an idiot he was, I still can't stop loving him, longing for him, craving him. I'm smart enough to know that he's not right for me, but I love him all the same. And so it is true for you and Peg. It doesn't matter how much hurt, how much disappointment, how much sadness you go through, you still love her, and in some small way probably always will. There will forever be a piece of her in your heart, if only for the fact that she's the mother of your children. Although, I suspect that little piece will remain in your heart for other reasons as well. I find it amazing that we can be nearly destroyed by these people we love, and yet we still keep loving them. I realize that now, more than ever. I don't think it makes us weak or soft or stupid. I think it shows we have a greater capacity for love, compassion and forgiveness. Lord knows my relationship wasn't nearly as long as yours and Peg's, but as difficult as it's been for me, I know it's 10 times harder for you. This isn't going to go away in a couple of months. It may prove to be a struggle for longer than you would like. However, as you've already proven, you'll come out the other side a better man...AND smelling like a rose because you took the high road.
Before I sign off I wanted to tell you how much I am touched by your blog. Inevitably I tend to replace all the "she's" with "he's", and all the "Peg's" with "T***". Your writing speaks to the very core of what I've been going through, and I feel like I'm walking right beside you, like it's a mirror image of my own pain, my own journey. Where your blog is a release for you, it has been therapy for me. I cry now, as I write this. I cry for you, I cry for me, I cry for all the love that seems wasted and lost. But I know there's more love out there, more than we could ever imagine. We just have to go get it.
For you my friend. Question not your love. Love her in whatever capacity you have. Someday she will see, feel, and realize the love you have and the man you are. Even if it is after you are gone. She is human too. Fear not of what is in your heart. This is what I want you to remember:
1 John 4
16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. 17 In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
Bro your Facebook shots of you and Kai say it all. SHE CAN'T TAKE THAT JIM. She may rob you of so much like Heather said, but she CANNOT take that from you. Your kids are going to experience so much of what life is about. So much that most of us can only dream of.
Your writing, heart, emotion, and excitement for life, are all gifts. Not only to you, but to those of us who follow your writing.
I love you both and those wonderful kids. I hope you two find each other again. I know that no one wants that or sees the possibility in that, but you two were fantastic. You TRULY were the couple that everyone wanted to live up to. The laughs we all shared were so incredible. The memories so rich. You both have people telling you things and you both just need to reach deep and realize you are losing a life that was awesome. I know her family and I know you both. I am sure her family is coaching her along and I know yours was trying to get you to hang on. You two need to block out the world and the BS and realize what is at stake.
"Hey, how are you? I've tried to email you a few times, with no response. I look at your pictures and read your blog. It's amazing how we've grown up.....since we were 15! You are an amazing person, Jimmy, and the words you write are absolutely phenomenal. Have you ever thought about writing professionally? Really...you should. You are a wonderful writer. Let me know how you are...I honestly do think about you almost daily. I hope someday soon that we can meet at our "half way" point in Salt Lake City and catch up on old times. Take care!"
Jennifer V.
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