Through it all, the pain has been beyond description. It is as if you wake up one day and the one true love of your life is gone...has died and will never come back. Those beautiful eyes that stared across the dinner table for 15 years are now empty. Those eyes won't even meet yours anymore. The love gone...the soft gentle touch that lets you know you are alive...gone. You are wracked with pain and questions, wondering how a God that you know as just and fair could do this to you and your family. You cry until it hurts as if your body cannot create another tear. The feet that crept over to your side, for warmth and reassurance, for all those years are gone and will never return. The soft angelic touch as those wisps of hair brush across your face like an open ocean breeze on the perfect night. The soft gentle kiss that lets you know that you are something special to someone who you adore....gone. You try so hard to be strong and put on a happy face. You muster all the courage and strength to move on and find yourself again but when you are lost in her soul, you can't figure out which way is up, you lay there at night in a strange new place and slowly slide your foot over looking for hers, only to find nothing. I find myself pulling my seat belt to my nose and searching for that soft faint scent that you became so accustomed to, but it is no longer there. All you find is an empty piece of nylon, a shell of its former self. Everyday you wake and want it all to be a dream but it is reality. You know you must go on for the sake of the two little lives left in shambles, their tears incomprehensible, their lives forever changed. You scream out at night for God to give you the strength and courage to keep putting that one foot in front of the other. You gave up days ago, praying that God would bring her back to you....she is gone. Everyone around you reassuring you that "it'll get better"...but no one can tell you when as they have not suffered such a loss. You watch in silence as each layer of your spirit and soul are pealed back to expose another wound. You look into the mirror and wonder what she saw in that reflection that repulsed her to the point of this. In her eyes you no longer see the stars that illuminated your soul...only emptiness and a Milky Way so far way. All taken so suddenly. You will never have that last kiss goodnight, that final farewell. You reassess who you are and what you have become and all you know is that you love her with MORE than you are.
She said I'd never dance with her, but in my mind we danced the night away so many times. We stared into one anothers eyes and the dance was one of a connection unexplainable to even the wisest of profits. The dance we shared on a moonlit night above the lake...just a memory. The music was universal and the rhythm one that only two souls who shared the dance floor of life could understand. You look back and wish you would have pulled her onto that dance floor of life and twirled her and held her for an eternity. I am out of things to ask God for...but if I could have one more wish...it'd be for him to teach me to dance... and to tell him if he granted me one last wish...you'd never stop dancing with her........
You writting is so elaquent. Beautiful really even if it is sad it is real and touches the soul. You are blessed.... never forget
It's never to late to dance. I have known you all our lives and you have never been one to give up. That truly sums you up. Be the man she fell in love with only better. Rise up my friend.
Just saying hello while I read through the posts
hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.
Jim,A friend just sent this to me. My husband passed away in March after a double lung transplant. We did dance together and actually met that way. I like to quote Garth Brooks song that if I had missed the pain I would have missed the dance and our "dance" was beautiful to behold. Your words touched me and I thank you for writing them.
Jim,A friend just sent this to me. My husband passed away in March after a double lung transplant. We did dance together and actually met that way. I like to quote Garth Brooks song that if I had missed the pain I would have missed the dance and our "dance" was beautiful to behold. Your words touched me and I thank you for writing them.
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