On April the 8th 2012 I will fly to Delhi India with an Old friend. He is the founder, and director, of the International Mountain Leadership Institute. We’ve been talking about working together for years. Now we get our chance and in one of the most stunning areas in India. We will spend our time teaching a group of prospective guides rock climbing skills, Leave No Trace ethos, outdoor medical skills, and outdoor leadership skills. It’s a chance to give these students a shot at a better life, and the skills to stay safer when they travel up high. Please read below:
I have NEVER been one to ask for help. I have always “found a way” under the toughest circumstances, and under extreme duress. I pride myself on an iron will and relentless persistence. This trip is the culmination of so many dreams. It’s become a catalyst for so many more dreams. All the training, courses, climbing trips, guiding, etc, have brought me here. I feel in my soul that what I am doing is good, and right. That I will leave my footprints on the hearts of so many on this trip. We have the chance to help these people learn the skills that will not only make them a better living, but will keep them safer up high. The skills to keep one another safer. The nonprofit that I am working with (International Mountain Leadership Institute) has taken the lead in going to far off places and helping like this. Places where most people either dare not go, or just plain don’t find appealing. So I find myself asking you, my friends, family, and colleagues to HELP. It’s amazing what $5, $10, or whatever you can contribute, can do to help this cause. If you know me personally..you know I don’t ask for help, but I’m here asking you to find it in your heart to help make a difference. IMLI is a registered 501c3 nonprofit. Just think..if every single Facebook friend I have gave a dollar…….what a difference that would make. Click the link to donate..and thank you from the bottom of my heart.